You can continue to use your cell phone: If you take these three measures, you will massively reduce your risk of cancer

A recent study from Great Britain shows that cell phone use does not increase the risk of brain tumors. Nevertheless, cancer prevention is elementary to protect yourself from a possible disease. An overview.

The all-clear has now been given for a danger that could emanate from prolonged smartphone use. According to a large long-term study, cell phone use does not increase the risk of brain tumors. An analysis of the “UK Million Women Study”, which has been running in Great Britain for more than 20 years, found no evidence of an increased risk of tumors with normal use of mobile phones. This is reported by a team led by Joachim Schüz from the International Cancer Research Agency (IARC) in Lyon in the “Journal of the National Cancer Institute”.

In the study, which began in 1996, hundreds of thousands of women answered questions about their cell phone use, first in 2001 and again in 2011. Of the almost 800,000 women who completed the first questionnaire, almost 3,300 later developed a brain tumor. It didn’t matter since when and how often the women had used a cell phone.

Since mobile phones, unlike other electronic devices, are used close to the head, questions about possible health risks arose years ago. The German Society for Neurology informed the study that mobile phone radiation is not enough to damage the genetic material in the cell nuclei and cause cancer. The energy from the phones is also not enough to increase body temperature, for example.

The authors of the study point out that the radiation has decreased significantly with ever newer cell phone generations. Today, even with excessive use, one is probably exposed to the same amount as with moderate use of mobile phones of the first two generations.

Even if the smartphone has now officially given the all-clear as a risk factor – cancer prevention is still an elementary issue. Many people are confronted with the diagnosis of “cancer” – in 2020 there were more than half a million in Germany alone. More than 200,000 people die from cancer every year. Studies show that half of all cancers could be avoided with simple prevention.

Cancer and prevention researchers have therefore developed a nine-point action plan. It forms the basis of the recommendations of the European Code of Conduct to Fight Cancer, bundled expert knowledge and is also recommended by the German Cancer Society, the German Cancer Research Center, the German Cancer Aid and the Cancer Information Service.

1. Avoid being overweight

Obesity is the cause of many diseases. The risk of developing cancer is massively increased by being overweight. This has now been established for at least 13 types of cancer.

Measures: proper diet and exercise.

2. Daily exercise

Sitting for long periods increases the risk of colon, uterine and lung cancer. Regular exercise, on the other hand, can prevent cancer. Because: Physical activity supports tumor suppressor genes that can slow down cancer cells.

Measures: Build in half an hour of exercise every day: climb stairs instead of driving, walk or cycle to go shopping, interrupt hours of sitting in front of the screen at least once an hour and move around a little – even further than to the coffee machine.

3. Cancer-healthy diet

There is no such thing as a 100% anti-cancer diet, but there is plenty of scientifically proven nutritional advice that reduces the risk of disease.

Avoid cancer-promoting foods:

Include anti-cancer foods:

You can read more about the anti-cancer agenda here: Almost every second cancer is avoidable: With this 9-point plan, your risk drops enormously