WP decree on the suspension of immigration is a long term plan of trump

MOSCOW, 25 APR – RIA Novosti. The decree of the President of the United States Donald trump on the suspension of immigration is seen as a long-term plan, according to the Washington Post, citing adviser to trump Steven Miller.

Earlier, the President of the United States Donald trump announced that he had signed a decree on temporary suspension of immigration in the U.S. the shortage of jobs in the country due to the pandemic coronavirus. According to him, this restriction will apply to those who want to obtain permanent residency in the United States – a green card. Trump said that it would suspend immigration for two months and at the end will decide whether to extend the Ordinance.

According to the newspaper, Miller said this week supporters of the President’s administration during a private conversation dedicated to trump decree that addresses measures to restrict programs for foreign workers. He stressed that this strategy “is part of a long-term vision and is not considered only as a temporary measure.”

“When you limit the entry of new immigrants from abroad, you also reduce immigration even more because of a chain of subsequent migrations are interrupted. Thus, the benefits for American workers increases with time” – leads edition the words of Miller.

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