world champion in track Cycling Denis Dmitriyev doubted that the Norwegian athletes just get therapeutic exclusion from the world anti-doping Agency (WADA). His words leads to “Sport-Express”.

“I think so, if you’re a sick man, don’t do sports or go to the Paralympics,” — said Dmitriev. He added that he can’t be that the whole Norwegian team consisted of asthmatics.

in addition, rider expressed confidence that the Olympics in Tokyo in 2021, the Russian team will go without a national flag on the background doping scandal.

the Athlete said that the Russians therapeutic exception, rarely issued, and cited the example of one of their colleagues who suffered from allergic asthma. According to Dmitriev, despite the presence of all certificates, application form for obtaining permission for taking drugs in the WADA rejected.

the 34-year-old Dmitriev — bronze medalist of the Olympic games 2016, world champion in 2017, and three-time European champion.