Female leaders were more successful than in the fight against the pandemic coronavirus than men. This was stated by the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, and the statistics confirmed British newspaper the Independent.

Lagarde praised the response of women politicians to the pandemic COVID-19, noting that their actions were active, and the style of communication with citizens— is clear. “I understood that women tend to work better. I’m biased, as a woman, but surrendering to this bias,” she announced.

According to the newspaper, the assessment of the ECB is adequate. So, the top ten countries most affected by the coronavirus as the total number of cases and the number of diseases per million population, includes the States, headed by men.

So, in five countries, managed by men, with the highest number of cases of infections per one million people enter Bahrain (22.1 thousand), Chile (17.5 thousand), Panama (12.9 thousand), Armenia (12.2 thousand) and the USA (11.9 thousand). The worst performance of the countries led by women, Belgium (5.5 thousand), Bolivia (5.4 thousand), Switzerland (3.9 thousand), Germany (2.4 thousand) and Denmark (2.3 million).

the correlation between a country’s success in fighting the coronavirus and the controls if she is a woman, the visible and subject to adjustments for health costs, the development of tourism and population density. In addition, taken into account and that women hold leadership positions, only ten percent of the States.

So, in countries with the same population of Ireland and New Zealand, the number of cases differs 25 times as of the end of July. The Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern has received international praise for its early and decisive response, which helped to block the spread of the virus.

In a study of economists Spree Garikipati and Minds Kambhampati (Supriya Garikipati, Uma Kambhampati) hypothesized that countries that are headed by women coped better with the coronavirus because of the qualities inherent in female leaders. It is argued that women bole inclined to risk the state of the economy, not people’s lives, and prefer a leadership style based on empathy and scientific data. “Even taking into account the institutional context and other control measures of the country, headed by women, have an advantage in the current crisis”, — concluded the researcher.

on 27 July, there are more than 16.1 million infected with the coronavirus, including more than 645 thousand died, and another 9.2 million recovered. Most infected are in the US, Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa.