It is one of those beautiful stories that you can tell the Corona-crisis. The 27-year-old Angela Primachenko from Vancouver in the U.S. state of Washington has brought a healthy child into the world, whereas it was positive for the Coronavirus tested in a hospital in a coma.
The pregnant woman was on 26. March in the 33. Week of pregnancy is positive to Sars-CoV-2 tested. Immediately, she had to get to a hospital, where the woman was a few later transferred to an intensive care unit. Angela Primachenko struggled to Survive, while Doctors ushered in the birth and labor in order to save the child.
mother learned only five days after the birth of her daughter
Yet while the 27-Year-old in a coma was brought to you, without realizing it, on 1. April, a healthy daughter to the world. For Angela, it was already the second Time that you became a mother. Only five days later, when Angela had come out of the coma, she learned that it had become the second-Time mother.
On Instagram wrote the happy mother, then: “Thank you so much for everyone for helping me overcome the most challenging. For everything. The gifts, the support.”
On Saturday, finally was able to leave the 27-year-old Corona-patient in the intensive care unit of the hospital in Vancouver. Although Angela Primachenko must continue to conserve, but the young mother has survived the infection and also the birth of their daughter. Currently, she is on the mend.
After 17 days in the hospital, of which she had to be ventilated for ten days, was able to return to Angela now home to your loved one. Your Baby Ava couldn’t take the mother, however, still in the Arm.
FOCUS-Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!
The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.
Where is Coronavirus? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease, FOCUS Online/Wochit Where is Coronavirus? Real-time map of the spread of the disease shows More reading tips for Corona-pandemic
- In many countries masked cleaning squads with disinfection of Jerry cans through the streets. Germany opposes such measures. We overlooked sources of dangerous infection or disinfected citizens nothing increases really against corona virus? More you can read here.
- hospital hygienists, scientists from twelve points to speak of four phases of, economic. However, one thing is clear: The return to normality can only be gradual. As the way out of the Lockdown might look like. More you can read here.
- Even if a Covid-19-disease is 80 percent of the Affected is mild – there are people who become seriously ill. You have inflammation of the lungs, suffer shortness of breath, dying. Pulmonologist Michael Barczok explains what factors determine a severe course. More you can read here.
- On the 27. In January it reported the German health authorities for the first Time: A 33-Year-old is the novel Coronavirus is attached. Since this is the first case in Germany was known, have passed ten weeks. What we now know about Sars-Cov-2. More you can read here.