In the coming may holidays and summer vacations, many urban residents will go to the country. Countryside this year will be almost the only possible, and therefore even more desirable. Dacha as a phenomenon of Russian life appeared in the early nineteenth century, but its heyday was at the beginning of the twentieth century. With the development of Railways and industrialization of the cities, life in the country became available not only to the most wealthy families. Country life was praised for being close to nature, unhurried pace, nice people, a cozy home and lovely tradition. In the modern realities to make the country life, which he described in his works of A. P. Chekhov’s and I. A. Bunin, we, alas, can not. But why not borrow a few ideas from country history and fill the rest with comfort and beauty in the style of pre-revolutionary Russia?Breakfasts, Lunches and dinners on aliceblue table on the outdoor terrace or in the garden under the shade of trees was the center of country life and had surrounded himself with family members and guests. Here is how your daily routine at the cottage, the hero of Chekhov’s story “From the memoirs of an idealist” in the Morning I woke up and without thinking about the service, drank tea with cream. At eleven went to the hostess to greet her good morning, and drank her coffee with fat cream. From coffee to lunch, chatted. Two hour lunch but what a lunch! Imagine that you are hungry, sit down at a table, grab a big glass of flyers and eating hot corned beef with horseradish. Then imagine the soup or green soup with sour cream, etc. etc.” But as nostalgic for the old days of the Soviet writer Valentin Katayev: “on the Morning of the apricots were covered with a huge table covered with bouquets of wild flowers. The middle was occupied by butter pretzel the size of a bike. All gardeners were invited under the apricots for morning tea”.Garden and Ogorodnaya plants on his plot of land — a special treat. Many Russian writers-the gardeners was seriously interested in this business. So, Chekhov was an avid gardener, grew in his garden in the village of Melikhovo, fruits and vegetables, including artichokes, and especially loved to plant roses. A. I. Kuprin remembered his beloved country in exile: “…my little gorodishko, my Apple, my tiny fragrant flower garden, my strawberry plants in Victoria and the greenhouse melons-cantaloupe “Jenny Lind” — remember them, and my heart a lot of bitterness”.Home wuttichai called and luxury homes built by famous architects, and small wooden houses and the simple peasant houses, to surrender to rent for the summer season. The situation in these cottages, respectively, differed but some things were essential attributes of country life of all classes. Veranda or balcony, wicker furn��eh, Tula samovar, natural fabrics (especially linen), porcelain, wildflowers, but most importantly, wide open the window. “Still morning, the breeze is sometimes in the room, open all the Windows. Which now number? (…) In the window that left me, falling obliquely on the window sill happy and bright sunlight and looks green density of the garden brilliant in the sun of its innumerable leaves in the depths of his concealing shadow and still fresh coolness and fading, subsiding, then surging and then reaching the silky me, until summer whisper…” (Diary I. A. Bunin, July 27, 1917).Country douglassii beginning of the twentieth century did not burden yourself with unnecessary lessons, and were guided by the words of A. P. Chekhov: “Neither plow, nor sow, but only to live for pleasure, live only to breathe clean air…”. However, outdoor leisure activities were very diverse. For those who loved outdoor games, popular cricket, badminton, tennis and football. Of the less mobile classes chose chess, bingo, cards. One of the favorite pastimes was evening reading to each other aloud. For example, in the family of L. N. Tolstoy had an interesting tradition. In the house hung a mailbox, where members of the family within a week lowered their poems, short stories, essays, and on Sundays read them aloud. Many, for example the famous home theater family Mamontov, staged theatrical performances and showed live pictures of the cottages. Also, in country houses music could always be heard: live, if the house was a tool, or from the gramophone. At the beginning of the last century listened to the album with ballads Anastasia Vyaltseva, Mikhail Vavich, Yuri Morfessi and Gypsy songs Raisa Raisova and Varya Panina.Country maddona fashion breathed summer, freedom and closeness to nature. Ladies wore light dresses bright colors, which is not so much tied to the waist, as was customary in the city. A constant accessory was a parasol and a straw hat. Maria Sevostyanova