Anti-Russian restrictive measures of the United States will not be needed, if Moscow “will refrain from aggression abroad and become a friendly partner of the United States.” This was stated by Advisor to the President of the trump national security Robert O'Brien. At the same time he has threatened Russia with payback if “its malicious activities against the Americans in Afghanistan confirmed”. Washington offers Moscow to abandon its strategic interests “in exchange for a promise to lift sanctions in an uncertain future”, analysts say. In their opinion, such rhetoric from the American side is largely due to the “election factor” and trying to “enlist” the support of Russia in the struggle with China.

Sanctions against Russia by the US will not be needed, if Moscow would refrain from “aggression abroad and become a friendly partner” of Washington. This was written by the US presidential Advisor on national security Robert O'’brien in an article for the Washington Post.

“No President since Reagan has not shown such determination in relations with Russia. Like Reagan, President trump tries to find a new path for development — one in which Russia will refrain from aggression abroad and become a friendly partner of the United States and Europe. In such a world, the sanctions against Russia do not need, and trade between our countries will prosper. The Russians, the Americans and the whole world would benefit from such a relationship,” wrote O'Brien.

The United States is “cautiously optimistic” about the possibility of reaching an agreement with Moscow and Beijing on the rules in the field of arms control, said the politician.

“and How (Ronald. — RT) Reagan, President of the trump seeks to have good relations with all countries, including Russia. But no country, including Russia, should doubt the commitment of the President to protect the United States and our allies,” — said the adviser to the American leader.

After that, the rhetoric Of'’brien in the material changes and becomes more negative. In particular, the American Advisor did not fail to notice that, if the information appeared in the media about a “conspiracy” between Moscow and the Taliban* is confirmed, Moscow will “pay” for it.

“Russia knows from experience that, if recent reports about its malicious activities against the Americans in Afghanistan is confirmed, she will have to pay for it — even price will never be made public,” he said.

We will remind, earlier the Russian side has repeatedly stated that journalists NYT published was not true. American authorities also did not confirm the veracity of reports about the “benefits” to the Taliban.

Then About'Brahen recalled the many sanctions that the us administration recently imposed against Moscow, in particular, the restriction against projects “Nord stream — 2” and “Turkish stream”. The national security Advisor of the United States stressed: “unfortunately, such steps are necessary, whereas Russia’s actions are endangering the U.S. and its allies.”

After that'’brien led a series of old accusations against Russia, which have repeatedly categorically rejected by Moscow. In particular, he recalled the notorious “intervention” in Moscow in “elections in the West in 2016 and 2017,” it is the support of “brutal regimes” in Syria and Venezuela for alleged involvement in cyber attacks on the US and its allies, the violation of treaties in the field of arms control and even of history connected with the so-called case Skrobala.

According to the adviser of the head of the White house, “to deter Russian aggression and protection of allies” of the United States at the NATO trump has allocated an additional billions of dollars to European initiatives deterrence (EDI).

As said On'Brien, the American leader “knows that the key to peace is power.”

“this is why his administration has embarked on a major modernization of the Armed forces of the United States in the history”, — said the adviser to the American leader.

As noted in an interview with RT expert of the Center for security studies of RAS Konstantin Blokhin, allegations'Brian, once again demonstrates the desire of Washington “to create a model of an international order in which Russia would be on the periphery of world development.”

“But Moscow does not agree with this outcome. O'Brian, speaking about “aggression” of Russia “abroad” meant, first and foremost, the return of the Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Syrian campaign. But in both these cases, about any aggression out of the question. Washington is confusing the issue, stating that all supposedly will be good if Russia will stop being Russia will abandon its foreign policy and national interests,” — said Blokhin.

Such opinion and the head of the Center Voyenno-political researches of the Institute of USA and Canada studies, Vladimir Batiuk.

“the United States in this case, demand from Russia unconditional surrender of foreign policy under tight American control in exchange for a promise to cancel anti-Russian sanctions in an uncertain future. However, Moscow will not fall for these tricks”, — the expert in conversation with RT.

According to Batiouk, claiming the alleged aggressive actions of Russia in the international arena, United States “show their hypocrisy.”

“According to the position of the American side, the placement of Russian voorangling forces on the territory of the Russian Federation, for example in the Kaliningrad region, is an aggression against the whole of Europe. And the US presence on several hundred military installations around the globe — is America’s contribution to the world and the liberal world order,” — said the analyst.

Batiuk also explained that the theme of rapprochement with Russia, though and with considerable reservations, “the pre — election campaign”.

“In the presidential administration realize that part of the American voters — both Democrats and Republicans — are very concerned about the complete collapse of mechanisms to arms control. And this is an extremely dangerous situation. So now they are trying a similar statements to achieve extra points for trump,” — said the expert.

Another reason why Washington is now talking about improving relations with Russia is the “China card,” says Batiuk.

“Washington has declared the cold war to Beijing. And then, of course, the question arose about the position of Russia. The Russian side, if she takes all the side of China in this conflict, will be able to disrupt many anti-Chinese plans of the United States. Hence, this “interest” to Russian-U.S. relations,” — said the analyst.

As suggested by Blokhin, Washington also his statements about rapprochement with Russia wants to influence China on the issue of its accession to the negotiations on strategic arms control.

“However, Beijing will not sit at the negotiating table. First, it is not involved in multilateral agreements. Second, he believes that Russia and the United States accounts for a large part of the nuclear potential,” — said the expert.

However, the fact that “along with statements about wanting to be friends,” O'Brien has threatened Russia with possible payback for attributed to her “collusion with the Taliban” tells of the attempt of Washington to apply to the Russian Federation “the policy of carrot and stick,” says Blokhin.

“But this approach to anything positive Russian-American relations will not, and will only strengthen relations between Moscow and Beijing and other international players. In fact, through this game, Washington only isolates itself”, — said the analyst.

the “Relationship waiting for a pause”

Recall, trump has repeatedly declared its desire to improve relations with Moscow. He spoke about it during his election campaign in 2016 and throughout the entire presidential term. The experts note that the number of such applications has increased in 2019 — after the publication in April of the report of spectracolor Robert Mueller, which concludes that the investigation has not established ties trump and his campaign staff with Moscow during the presidential elections in 2016.

In��the middle of may last year, US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo at a meeting with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said a visit to Russia as head of the White house aimed at improving ties with Moscow. In early June, the trump said that between Russia and the United States can have good relations. And at the end of July, the us leader said that Washington has no reason not to get along with Moscow.

As stated in October 2019, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in an interview with RT Arabic, Sky News and Al Arabiya, despite the fact that the White house has repeatedly expressed support for the normalization of contacts with the Russian side, “the domestic political agenda does not allow the incumbent President to take steps to radically improve” those relations.

Analysts draw attention to the fact that a new wave of statements about the desire to improve relations with Russia began to come from the American leadership after in February 2020, the Senate acquitted the judgment in case of impeachment against the 45th President of the United States.

A few days later, U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan stated that he had received instruction from Donald trump to improve relations between Washington and Moscow.

It then responded to the Russian Ambassador in Washington, Anatoly Antonov, saying of the importance of developing U.S.-Russian relations to the world. The diplomat said that Moscow will meet each country that wants to build relations with Russia “on the basis of mutual respect and balance of interests.”

According to Konstantin Blokhin, trump “really wanted to improve relations with Russia, but the American establishment has not given him to do.”

“the Current head of the White house was of the view that us limited ability to control the world, as before, will not happen, so we need to establish relations with Russia”, — said the expert.

The Blokhin predicts that in case of victory trump in the upcoming elections of the Russian-American “attitudes still have to pause,” because his opponents “will continue to sabotage the Russian direction”.

“but If the power suddenly comes Joe Biden, then the anti-U.S. campaign will be intensified and will become even more sophisticated,” the analyst believes.

* The Taliban declared a terrorist organization by the decision of the RF Supreme court dated 14.02.2003.