In my childhood we perceive dandelions as a happy signal – Hooray, summer vacation on a nose! But quite other associations yellow flora causing estate owners. Weed, pest, spring attack, the most harmful flower – only such epithets from the point of view of truckers is worthy of a dandelion. “MK” has decided to understand, for which he did not like and how this plant correctly to uproot.

Before the scourging of the dandelion, just will it into something to justify. Well, like in the old days it was called “elixir of life” and “little yellow healer” because it contains a valuable supply of the most useful elements of the periodic table. It has more vitamin A than in carrots, and then there are the vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP. As well as the minerals boron, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, zinc and phosphorus. In addition, the solar plant stimulates the digestion and is a source of organic acids. He was the champion of antioxidants.

“Even in the species name of this plant – the dandelion medicinal, laid its main feature. Infusion of the roots of dandelions in the old days was cured diseases of the stomach, says agronomist Mikhail Vinogradov. And yellow flowers is a wonderful honey plant. Therefore, in my view, correctly, that in the midst of flowering mow the dandelions. Need to wait for them to wither. The white juice of the plant is nothing like rubber cement. Why it is so difficult to rinse from the clothes. And then you need to do the same as in the case of the gum – put in the freezer, and then to get the clothes. Dandelion, a close relative endive salad, so it is also possible to do salads. However, they are only good for leaves grown in the shade – they have a spicy bitterness, not strong bitterness. But in General, dandelion is, of course, the weed, and get rid of it is very problematic, the root of his rod, he can go to a depth of half a meter. It’s best to dig out the old model knife for cleaning potatoes. Or you can select another narrow sharp object. Even if you dig out the root to the end, it will still weaken the plant.”

the Director of the Main Botanical garden named Tsitsin of the RAS Vladimir Upelniek sure that the lawn where grew the dandelion, it is not a lawn, a meadow area. Therefore, the dandelions have to do, and before seed formation.

“only a few dandelions can reproduce the whole cloud seed, says the editor of “Your 6 hectare” Andrey Tumanov. – And the seeds on their parachutes is able to fly far away. To get rid of dandelions is very difficult. Who was trying to dig up the root of the dandelion, he always failed. But there are a few effective ways to get rid of this pest, which thenonly the outside looks white and fluffy: to protability mowing (this should be done regularly), to damage its root system cornouailles – long narrow spatula, or treated with herbicides. But herbicides cannot be sprayed all over the lawn, otherwise you’ll pougnet all the grass – you will have to prepare a solution and coat a brush every leaf of a dandelion. Only it is very troublesome method. The first time will not ruin, and crawl on the lawn will be long. In my opinion, the hoe is the easiest tool in the fight against him.”

Recipe jam dandelion:

Collect as many flowers in dry weather. Coming home sort them carefully, remove the dense green part should be only the yellow petals with the pollen. Place them in a pot, add slices of lemon with peel and cover with water (which should be about 1.5 times more). Bring to a boil, then cook the mixture for 5 – 7 minutes on small fire. After you leave the flowers to steep (do not drain the water!) for 8 – 12 hours in a cool place. After this time, strain the flowering mass. In the resulting infusion add the sugar (we recommend to use natural such as coconut or grape) — to taste. Then return the pan to medium heat. To the sugar is dissolved, stir oduvanchikova water until boiling. Cooking should be to obtain the desired thickness, but not less than 30 min. Approximate number of products: 400 g of flowers, 1.5−2 lemon, 1 kg sugar, 0.5 l of water.