Residents of Khabarovsk continue to rally in support of arrested the Governor of edge Sergey Furgala. Perhaps, not a single Russian official has received support from the people.
what is the phenomenon of this man remembered his subordinates, why nobody was interested in the personal life of the head of region, what do you think his relatives about the incident — in the article “MK”.
the Khabarovsk journalist and the blogger Denis Kovalev became famous after he participated in the controversial reality show “Dom-2”. After leaving the project, has returned home. Joined the service in the administration of the Khabarovsk region. Local media reported that Dennis worked in the press service of the Governor Sergey Furgala. Kovalev spoke about working with the head of the region.
— I’m not in pure form worked in a press-service included in the so-called Governor’s pool, where they invited a number of journalists with different opinions — a point worth noting. However, sharply critical of the Governor do not remember — probably, this fact is also worth mentioning, began the source.
Something is in the pool were recruited more or less loyal journalists?
— If you’re talking about a lick of power, nothing like this has happened. And a spokesman for the Governor’s Hope of Tomchenko always from such things was gone.
As a former member of the scandalous project “Dom-2” selected in the pool?
I worked on local radio. Interviewed the Governor. Apparently, my adequacy assessed and invited to the pool.
— the Governor is not embarrassed that he interviews a member of the reality show?
— No, absolutely not. Furgal knew that I was part of the “House-2”, — it is not confused, even amused. It satisfied my free manner of communication. Furgal one of those people who didn’t like “parquet” journalism, so my past is not pushed.
— U Furgala has its own page in social networks, which holds high ratings.
His social media was always in the lead. By rating he’s standing next to Sobyanin and Kadyrov.
user Comments often wipe?
— Comments should never be deleted, that tells about full disclosure of the Governor.
He replied to comments?
— the comments reacted to the ad hoc group of people from his team. Were you able to solve all the problems — the second question but that the study of the complaints was carried out at different levels — fact.
Who was responsible for his media image?
— For media image answered by his press Secretary. But understand, if Furgal was empty the executor of the will of Moscow or Zhirinovsky, it is unlikely that it would work normally and even more so to create an image. Sergei Ivanovich was not just an officer, but rather an interesting person who was close and��audience.
He oversaw the social network?
— Before you publish the post on his behalf, Furgal read it carefully. Without his knowledge nothing in the social network did not pass. He also became acquainted with the review. Remember, during the interview I asked him a tricky question thought to catch it on the fact that the social network maintains a press-service. To my surprise, he gave a clear answer. He remembered all the “stories” posted to his Instagram in any given day. I think that 80 percent of the work in social networks — the merit Furgala, 20 percent of its press service.
— How did his relationship with his subordinates?
— Relations with colleagues it was a purely working — he always kept a certain distance. With the staff could sit and eat a slice of pizza, as is customary on holidays. Nothing more.
— feared members of the administration?
— According to numerous videos on YouTube, where were laid the scenes with meetings, it is possible to follow the reaction of his subordinates. Of course, many were not ready for the “debriefing”, which was arranged Furgal. The fact that officials of different levels, heads of regions and major cities accustomed to the agreements without the presence of the press and prying eyes. Furgal and his position from anybody did not hide. He in personal conversations and in the presence of the press behaved quite tough and straightforward. He had nothing to hide.
— Perhaps the administration didn’t like him?
the child gradually became accustomed to his temper. Who is with him more or less worked, knew the flash of anger Furgala worth the wait, he was given to speak out, and then people made corrections and additions, began to argue.
Sergei Ivanovich — is a charismatic man and the politician. It is similar in this respect to the screen image of Zhirinovsky. When yelled, everyone was terrified. But the flash of anger on some bad decisions or execution of sped. Then it was possible to throw arguments, he thought, apologized if he was wrong, and even changed its decision — this also happened.
— How did the Governor react to criticism?
— Furgal was ready to admit wrong. Moreover, it is possible and necessary to argue. He was annoyed, when he in everything agreed and assented to.
“does Anyone care who he sleeps”
What happened to his personal life? It is known that there ex-wife, about which virtually nothing is known of the children.
— it May not be true from the point of view of the journalist, but to me his personal life never interested. I thought he was more a bureaucrat than a public politician. Official — a person who works, checks, asks, not pushes out of the question so I estimated it by their actions. And the people in the region didn’t care what was happening in his personal life.
— what About the people you got excited: people always wonder what are government officials who are their wives, what cars on the move kids…
— If the relatives of high officials is free of scandals, nobody cares about their privacy.
— That is, close Furgala in any scandals did not mention?
— never a single scandal did not happen, associated with the name of the Governor.
— Can your journalists do not write about such scandals?
— a Very write. For example, we had one Governor, whose grandson was riding expensive cars, and played for the local hockey club, although did not score any goals. This behavior is the “Golden” grandchild annoyed people — about the official wrote a lot. And Furgal never “light” children, wife, but all watched the results of his work. Therefore, people do not care with whom he sleeps, how he lives, whether he has a wife, if he divorced, how many brothers and sisters.
Family photo on his Desk stood?
— can’t remember. As well as the fact, whether hung in his office a portrait of Putin or Zhirinovsky.
— But some moments of his personal life known to you?
— you Know what Furgal of seven ordinary family, is related to the steel business in the city. He just talks enough. Another such moment: a few weeks ago died from kovida his brother, the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Khabarovsk territory.
Sergey Furgal lived in a big way?
— If the official “Lexus”, which is Protocol, and security can be considered as “broad foot”, then Yes, he lived well.
Let’s really not going to make him completely disinterested…
unlike Governor Khoroshavin, who found gold pens and other luxury items, with Forgalom nothing of the kind was noticed. Anyway, in the public plane nothing came out. Sergei Ivanovich, when he occupied the post of head of the region, immediately rejected the Governor’s yacht was trying to sell it. It was already two auction but nobody bought it. He forbade officials to fly on private jets, and even the business class has canceled a trip to a senseless master classes in Spain and Japan. Of course, by itself it is not a poor man, he managed a large steel plant, but he never boasted of wealth. Did not fly in expensive foreign travel, not bragging about what his sons are doing in the elite universities. Even his appearance was not of luxuries.
When he was arrested, the journalists noticed that it’s expensive suit.
the Suit as the suit. Let us tell you a story related to his clothing. Once left a small conflict about his appearance — it was about the headdress. A dispute happened between the press service��Oh and his ex-wife Larissa. All together solved the question of how to wear the Governor to cause people’s love. After long negotiations, decided not to pay attention to the clothes, and dress him up just so he didn’t stand out. More to the issue of clothing is not returned.
When he forbade officials to fly on private jets, canceled a foreign trip — he got offended?
— don’t know, but that officials have ceased to live in a big way — fact. They really began to fear — not even God, as Governor.
— U Furgala — serious security?
According to the Protocol he is guarding. But it is invisible. During the events people could easily come to the Governor, to embrace him in the face to show displeasure, waving his hands, to give something or offer to try a certain dish. No people from the Governor drove away, did not interfere with spontaneous expression of feelings. And it seemed that the guard there.
“the administration is ready to work with the Governor, who will choose the people”
How did you hear about the arrest of the head of region?
— From the local telegram-channels. At first thought it was fake. Then came the confusion, it was unclear why he was detained.
— Then began a rally in support of Furgala. Said that behind the protests is the press-service of the Governor…
— Do you seriously think that the residents of Khabarovsk are spineless and are not able to decide whom do they go? “Patient zero” in this spontaneous action was not — no one is organized, the lists were not made, money not paid. I can say that representatives of the press service are stunned when I saw how many people came out to support the Governor. It was as suddenly as the arrest Furgala.
— what is the phenomenon Furgala?
— the Phenomenon — in conjunction of words and deeds. Since his arrival, something positive began to happen in the region, populist slogans like “Less salary to officials!” were realized in fact, and the Governor began to communicate with ordinary people through live Instagram.
— the administration is ready to work with another person?
— I Think people are willing to work with another Governor, but only with those whom the people choose.
— What is the mood now in the administration?
— the Administration now hears the words arrived in Khabarovsk the Plenipotentiary Yuri Trutnev.
“Uncle might not be involved in dirty business”
Relatives of Sergey Furgala post on their pages in social networks posts in support of the Governor. With the press ready to chat, not all. We contacted the niece Furgala — Eugenia.
How did you hear about the arrest of your uncle?
— From the media.
From��actually, he graduated from medical school, worked at the hospital. Why quit?
He worked as a doctor-neurologist in the village Poyarkovo, where he was born. In the hospital he still remember. I was a little girl. Why did you leave medicine — I don’t know. Guess because the pay was low.
— When he became Governor, helped family to move, for example, through the ranks?
— Uncle was always helping friends, even when not occupying a high position. Helped in word and deed. But to someone promoted — this was not close.
— To him for advice, family members addressed?
— He’s our family was one of the smartest, most — to him for advice always did.
How many children he had?
were You at his home as he lives?
— he Lives modestly. I was at his home — nothing special.
he what?
Very simple.
— What do you think about his arrest?
— the Family supports it, no one believes the charges against him. He is kind, fair, decent, honest man. Uncle could not be involved in this dirty business.