What you don’t know about the presenter: Anne Will annoyed her mother as a child and didn’t always “get out of her quark”

Anne Will is Mrs. Cool among political talkers. She is enthroned in one of the most coveted slots on German television. She wants to give up soon. Unsurprisingly, given how Will usually ticks.

Anne Will will be 57 years old in March. As a journalist, she has long since achieved what only a few manage to do: Her own political talk show, which also bears her name, in prime time on ARD, produced by her. But at the end of the year Will breaks up – after 16 years.

In 2024, Will wants a “fresh start,” she said in a statement a few weeks ago. Apparently that suits the TV presenter, who in personal interviews repeatedly lets it be known that apart from her political talk, she has little to do with her public image.

Will’s professional resume is impressive. Before her own talk, she moderated the “Sportschau” and the “Tagesthemen” on the first. She was also present at the Chancellor TV duel. Almost every step in her career seems to have happened by itself. Will once revealed on the talk show “3nach9” that she had only written one application in her life – for a traineeship at Sender Freies Berlin in the early 1990s.

However, things didn’t always run smoothly with Will. At the beginning of her TV career, she found it difficult in front of the camera – due to a lack of self-confidence. She revealed that herself on the show “Bauerfeind Assists”, where she let herself be accompanied while jogging without make-up. There would have been a phase with her “where I noticed that I really couldn’t get out of the quark with the moderation,” says Will. She would have reacted defiantly to negative reviews and then worked on herself.

“Sober and goal-oriented” is how Will describes her talk style. Her private love of carnival could not be more contrary, which per se has little to do with sobriety. The journalist was born in Cologne – of course that had a lasting impact. The fact that she took part in the Cologne Rose Monday procession in 2019 was even worth reporting to the German Press Agency.

On “Ina’s Night,” Will told how she regularly chewed off her mother’s ear when she was young. “I really talked a lot as a child,” admitted the moderator. Her mother would often have said at some point: “Anne, you’re annoying me!” Today, by the way, Will sometimes asks her mother before a show which political issues interest her more.

Will has not yet given any details about her “reboot” next year. The “lucky child”, as she calls herself, is sure to have something new in store.

The original of this post “Anne Will annoyed her mother as a child and didn’t always come out of the quark” comes from Bunte.de.