“We’ve never had it before”: Saleswomen hit big with an attic find at “Bares for Rares”.

Attic finds are among the classics at “Bares for Rares”. It is often only during the show that the sellers realize how good the idea was not to throw away the dusty accidental find or to get rid of it cheaply at the flea market. So also in the Thursday episode. Two friends were amazed at how much their English lottery drum was worth.

Expert Detlev Kümmel played along: “It’s a ball pool for hamsters, exactly.” Lights wanted to know more about it now: “What in God’s name is that?” A lottery drum, according to Kümmel. Or a bingo wheel.

Lichter pointed out that all the balls would look the same. “There are numbers on the balls,” Detlev Kümmel explained to him. Lights strongly recommended cleaning. The souvenir was an attic find.

The friends Monja and Sabine wondered if the bike actually came from England. Sabine discovered the attic find when taking over a business. The previous owner had often been to Great Britain, the seller explained.

Detlev Kümmel confirmed the English origin. A bingo wheel? Kümmel believed more in a lottery drum. Originally there was room for 1,000 balls, but some were lost, according to the expert.

Like Lichter before, Kümmel recommended cleaning the beech wood balls and the brass frame. “If that’s really polished to a high gloss, you’ve got a very pretty piece of decoration,” Lichtenstein agreed. “How old is the bullet?” Detlev Kümmel guessed the 1920s or 30s. “It would have to be repaired,” recognized the expert. Nevertheless, such lottery drums are not often found in such good condition. Lichter found the souvenir “funny and curious”. The moderator asked the usual question about the desired price that the saleswomen were hoping for. “A hundred,” said the friends.

The women were positively surprised: Detlev Kümmel considered 250 to 300 euros to be realistic. Whether the friends had hit the jackpot depended on the dealers.

“I think it’s great,” said Christian Vechtel. Julian Schmitz-Avila took a close look at the whole thing and said: “I’m a little enthusiastic.” “Most of the time too much enthusiasm is too expensive for us,” Christian Vechtel thought aloud. So much can already be revealed: He should be right…

“We’ve never had anything like this before,” said Wolfgang Pauritsch enthusiastically at first sight. “We already thought that it was something special,” saleswoman Sabine was sure of victory.

“Is that a lottery wheel or a bingo game?” asked Lisa Nüdling. “More like a lottery wheel … or a bingo game,” saleswoman Sabine answered somewhat vaguely. “It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s the lottery or bingo, I’ll start with 100 euros,” explained Christian Vechtel. “I would have been there for bingo,” explained Lisa Nüdling. “I’m out of the lottery.” A more detailed explanation did not follow. Julian Schmitz-Avila, on the other hand, already had visions: “I can already see myself organizing the lotteries on the Rhine.” He offered 130 euros.

To the delight of the ladies, all the male traders were interested. “Now I’ve beaten them all,” Wolfgang Pauritsch rejoiced after his bid of 400 euros too early: Christian Vechtel added ten euros. “What’s still going on maybe,” Sabine believed.

“I’m a gambler – 420!” decided Pauritsch. “Are you a gambler too?” he asked Schmitz-Avila. He said yes in principle, but didn’t want to offer any more at this point. Neither did the other colleagues. “I’m really excited,” said Pauritsch happily.

“I’ve seen it on TV many times, but an original from the 1920s? Wow!” said Wolfgang Pauritsch happily. “It went in quick succession, it went great,” said the friends, too.

A saleswoman and her grandson wanted to get rid of two girandoles. Grandma was “tired of it because I don’t like cleaning silver anymore”. Rezepa-Zabel increased the desired price of 600 euros to as much as 2,000. Friedrich Häusser paid 1,400 euros.

Lights thought he saw a large diamond. “If you haven’t cleaned your glasses,” Rezepa-Zabel teased him. It was a bunch of small stones. The seller hoped for 500 euros. The expert raised up to 800. Lisa Nüdling paid the desired price.

“Does the young lady also have a name?” Horst Lichter asked two shop assistants. And indeed, the couple had christened the porcelain figurine from the Ens Manufactory in Volkstedt “Lisbeth”. Schulte-Goltz braked from the desired price of 900 euros to 250. Christian Vechtel paid 300.

A seller wanted to sell Heinrich Vogeler’s etching “Stork over the pond”. He had bought the work from 1907 at a flea market. Colmar Schulte-Goltz increased the desired price of 200 euros to up to 350. Julian Schmitz-Avila bought for 270.

This article was written by Michael Eichhammer

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The original of this post “Saleswomen make a big fortune with attic finds at “Bares für Rares”” comes from Teleschau.