In the ARD morning magazine, said Ulrich Schneider on Tuesday, alone, 600,000 people would have to live in Germany at the Shelter. In addition, some 1.6 million regular customers, the boards were particularly hard hit, because almost half of these facilities had closed, the Chairman of the joint welfare Association.

the state should rent Hotels, to relieve the pressure on emergency shelters

Schneider called for more to equalize the situation of people in shelters, to living in a confined space. The state should rent this temporarily in Hotels, apartments or vacation rentals, these people accommodate appropriately.

All the information about the Corona pandemic in the News Ticker to the Corona Crash

said The Federal government had acted a model for the economy and the middle class, but for the poor people if nothing had happened, Schneider. A other injustice he sees in the current situation of education for poor children. There is “the deepest education injustice”, because poor families could often afford no Computer for Home-Schooling. Here, the state had to step in and Computer purchase.

Federal government facilitates application for Hartz IV

The Federal government had recently decided as a result of the Corona pandemic, a number of Changes in the case of Hartz IV. These apply, inter alia, for a simplified request for the auxiliary power. In addition, the state waived the assets test in the case of citizens, the between 1. March, and 30. June 2020 a new application set.

Also interesting: What will change now – applications, assets, sanctions: The new Hartz-IV-rules of the Check

are the regular services for Hartz IV

in addition to the basic services Affected in addition, the accommodation and heating costs – in the amount of the actual expenses, to the extent they are appropriate. The job centre is based at the examination at local level of rents in the housing market. Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

News about the Corona virus in the Live-Ticker

Sachsen exit will present scenarios from “Shutdown” NRW wants to concerned schools and kindergartens gradually open

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