The United States will not forget that the source of the spread of the novel coronavirus to the whole world was China. With such statement the American President Donald trump spoke on Thursday in Ohio. Broadcast his speeches were news channels.
"We created the greatest economy in world history, then China released this plague (as trump calls new coronavirus – approx. TASS) – for their incompetence or for other reasons, but she pulled away. She is not broke to China, but it was leaked in the US, Europe and many other countries 188 countries. We will not forget this," said the American leader.
Trump has repeatedly said that China believes is responsible for the beginning of the epidemic. Washington accuses Beijing of concealing information on the origin of the virus and the prevalence of infection.
Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of China Le Yucheng, on April 29 in an interview with broadcaster NBC said that Beijing "do not hide any information" about the coronavirus. He expressed regret at the fact that "some politicians are using the situation with the virus for defamation of China".