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We now have over 400,000 job seekers in Norway, after that strict smittevernstiltak and crisis in the world economy has led to closed doors for a wide variety of Norwegian companies.
in Order to remedy the crisis in business is rolled out a wide range of support packages. The three main ones are:
Government guaranteed loans to small, medium-sized and large companies, Full wages for the first 20 days you are laid off paid primarily by the state, and increased dagpengesatser financial support to the business in order to cover large parts of the fixed charges
We’re talking support packages for several hundred billion to together.
But how can one ensure that the state milliardpakkene is not misused? The answer is simple, it can’t be a hundred per cent.
Many opportunities to cheat
Within all the three measures it is theoretically possible to try.
When it comes government guaranteed loans , then these should both be processed and granted by the banks. For getting the loan one must be in the acute pengenød, mainly because of the covid-19. If your company is in financial difficulty from before, you will not get help.
Because låneutbetalingen is checked on the advance of banks, most of which try to search on the incorrect basis, get the rejection.
When it comes permitteringer has there already been a part of notifications about the companies that have laid off their employees, but ask them to continue to work and receive salary from the state. It is not allowed.
however, the Government has opened for dagpengemottagere that takes up a job in the agriculture, forestry and horticulture will be able to do it and earn on it.
The last scheme with the direct financial support to business is the most vulnerable when it comes to fraud. Here is the company itself that puts in order and fixed costs, the numbers are automatically cross-checked against the various registers and if the application passes the automated control is the money automatically paid out.
Exactly how many such records shall be cross checked against is not known yet, but here is a lot of responsibility over the companies that will love on “faith and honor” that what they post is correct.
Pay first, ask afterwards
Most of the control is going to happen in the aftermath, with confirmation from an accountant or auditor. There will be claims for refund and sanctions for the disclosure of the cheating and fraud.
We will pay out the billion first, and then we ask afterwards.
finance minister Jan Tore Sanner has repeatedly said that the latter mechanism is not perfect, and that they have had to prioritize to get the money out to business and industry that bleeds, rather than to spend too much time on the control in the forefront.
finance minister Jan Tore Sanner has rolled out a wide range of support packages worth many billions under koronakrisen.
Photo: Ole Berg-rusten / NTB scanpix Jobs in travel at express speed with
these days are being built up a completely new web-based platform from scratch, which applications will go through. The head of Finance Norway, Idar Kreutzer, hope that the platform can open as early as 17. april, and that the first money should be in account with the companies shortly after.
we are in a rare high pace.
The more controls that are added into the system, the longer it will take to be finished. To cross-check against all public information, had led to that platform would have been done later – or that it had had to be supplemented by manual processing.
It does not have the government time to right now.
For many, it is too late already
even now, one sees that the help will come too late for many companies, where they are most vulnerable to go bust.
in order to prevent Too many bankruptcies, and make sure that there are as many as possible jobs again when this crisis is over, is one of government’s main jobs right now – and is also the reason why the billion now flying out of the treasury.
Option, namely to let the companies go bankrupt, will be far more expensive. To build up new businesses and new jobs will take a long time, where the only secure will be high unemployment for several years ahead.
Therefore is the possibility of fraud and lack of control a part of a calculated risk the government will have to live with.
The Norwegian tillitssamfunnet
You had enough could not be done this in Greece, ” said one who worked with kontantstøtteordningen to me earlier this week. In a tillitsbasert societies such as det norske, one can it.
For most companies around the country needed it, however, neither cheating or tweaks to get support.
the Crisis is here, and it’s totally for real.
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