Previously the Commissioner of the President on protection of entrepreneurs ‘ rights Boris Titov spoke about the numerous failures in the provision of these loans. To run “test purchases” were involved 158 entrepreneurs, failure is received 132.
With the applications they were applied to a number of large banks among which was and VTB Bank. The lack of the applicant’s salary project in Bank or is it the fact that it opened recently, was one of the reasons of failures. “The decision of the government no requirement for salary project in Bank was not, – said Boris Titov. – I think it would be fair to require the applicant to salary project was launched with the claim but the banks in this way will not go.”
VTB credit may be granted if the company’s employees to open any Bank account or credit card, which will be translated wages, the Bank said.
the Request is accepted if the borrower belongs to the category of small business or micro-enterprise, operates in one or more of the affected sectors from the government approved list, the number of its employees does not exceed 100 people and annual revenue is in the range of 800 million rubles.
In the list of industries most affected by the spread of coronavirus include transport, culture, leisure and entertainment, sports, tourism, hospitality, catering, education, organization of conferences and exhibitions, the provision of household services, dental practice activities in the field of cinema. The Finance Ministry also proposed to include the jewelry industry.
President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the government on Wednesday instructed to extend the loans to pay salaries for medium and large enterprises in the affected sectors of the economy, and provide guarantees of VEB not less than 75% of such salary credits that will reduce risks for banks. “Practice has shown that this support measure of the labor market is inefficient: to get a loan difficult, banks are reluctant to meet the borrowers,” – said the President.