Vote on women’s quota: Junge Union forges a secret plan against Merz’s advance: “It was grossly misjudged”

30 percent immediately, from 2025 50 percent in all Union bodies. Friedrich caused a stir within the party with this push for a quota for women in the ranks of the CDU and CSU. Now the Junge Union is said to have worked out a secret plan to prevent the quota at the federal party conference.

The federal party conference of the CDU takes place in Hanover at the beginning of September. A proposal by CDU leader Friedrich Merz is to be voted on there. Merz calls for an initial 30 percent and from 2025 50 percent women’s quota in all bodies of the Union.

But that doesn’t go down well in the Junge Union. According to a report, Junge Union representatives are working with members of the economic wing on a plan to prevent the quota. As the “Bild” newspaper writes, the representatives want to submit a motion for the rules of procedure. They need a 25 percent majority for that.

If the officials have their way, the party congress will then decide on the internal party quota for women in a secret ballot – and not, as usual, with a show of hands. The calculus: In a secret ballot, more delegates dare to vote against the women’s quota. And then maybe the majority too.

For Merz that would be a first major defeat. According to the report, many members would reject the quota, especially at the grassroots level: “For the first time, Merz misjudged the issue blatantly,” quoted the “Bild” a CDU member from the party leadership.

Surprisingly, as the newspaper goes on to say, young women in particular are currently opposed to the quota. A motion to this effect against the “introduction of any quota” is circulating on the Internet. This would need 500 supporters to be introduced at the party congress. There are currently 200.