TV presenter Elena Letuchaya said that is not always the GOST mark on the product means that the product is produced according to international standard.

Often mark GOST on the packaging is only a marketing ploy, explained leading, for example, according to GOST staffed enterprise, and the quality of the product itself, this sign is irrelevant, explained presenter in an interview with “Seven days”.

Or, for example, can be written simply the word GOST, and there is room, then this product is actually not checked, there was no certification, added Volatile.

Also, the TV star recalled that in Russia there is no law or standard governing the appearance on the packaging of goods marked “eco” or “biology”. Therefore, the presence of this sign on the package does not warrant neither natural nor safety of the product.

you Can draw a beautiful cow on a green meadow and write a “bio”, “eco” and make the price higher, — concluded the leader.

GOST interstate standard or regional standard adopted by the interstate Council for standardization and certification of CIS countries on the territory of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU), such standards are used by producers on a voluntary basis.

Wrote earlier, Rospotrebnadzor said about the marketing ploys of the manufacturers of soap. Hand washing is one of the essential elements of prevention of coronavirus, but there is no need to use antibacterial soap, reported in Rospotrebnadzor.