In the days that will go down in Russian and world history as self-isolation, many have moved to “udalenku,” someone take this opportunity examines home cabinets and wipes out age-old dust from corners where no foot of man, or just “sitting in the phone.”
Why buckwheat was and remains the main cereal crisis in Russia
Our ancestors repeatedly experienced epidemics. And also do not always comply with the quarantine. But there were moments when the house had to sit because of this – for example during severe frosts and snowfalls, the spring thaw. Someone on the winter, yet was not working in the field, left the village to work in town these peasants were called “migrant workers”.
But many were forced to do crafts all year round. It was necessary to feed themselves and their families due to the lack of arable land and wetlands. These peasants were constantly engaged in crafts and craftsmen was called.
Than the lives of the village is the birthplace of
Since about thumbs recalled, when he wanted to tell the man that he idles. Few people knew what a thumbs. This is a piece of wooden spoons. To make balusu, it was not necessary to possess a special ability. Put for the work of those who only studied with Carver. And now for the thumbs journeyman and even reproached. Since this work is associated with idleness.
Craftsmen make wooden spoons in the Semenov district of Nizhny Novgorod province.
From whipping thumbs moved on to carving spoons. Especially skilled craftsmen workTali in the Nizhny Novgorod region. “Notably cuts: all you want and kaitou, and thin, and boskou, and muzeumok, and Phillips,” writes about the types of spoons Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky’s novel “In the woods”.
basket Weaving in the village of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod province. Photo: Wikipedia
Here, in the forests of the Nizhny Novgorod region, engaged in weaving baskets and baskets. But this trade was common in many provinces. Wood and bark, including, dishes, baskets and pestere – analogue of today’s backpacks and summer were sold at fairs in towns and larger villages.
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Trade birch bark products at a County fair. The beginning of the XX century. Photo by unknown author.
Dmitry Sokolov from the Pskov village homeland and now weaves baskets and furniture made from willow, which he himself prepares. The production is virtually at home, work along with his wife and children. Almost like Fedor Kuzkin from the novel by Boris Mozhaev, “Alive.” He was taking the bag from willow twigs, which had stored for future use. Saying: “Though the nodes of them knit, though lace whip”.
At the same Melnikov-Pechersky, you can read about the types of dishes that worked at the turners in the Volga region: “There were different varieties of bowls, from tiny hand to cover, to big, to half a bucket and even a little in a bucket; the shops stood Staviski (a few cups, we put together – approx. “Homeland”), dishes, painted jugs and any other wooden utensils”.
top Moscow competed with spinner
wood made toys. Yes, still known clay Dymkovo, filimonovo, Kargopol… wood toy carved in bogorodskii County, Moscow province. But Podolsky is still known toy Babinski – the name of the village Wench. There are carvers at home grind wood bench balls, pyramids, eggs and, of course, dolls. And – trifles.
So really the game looks like in trifles. Photo: birthplace
This ancient Russian game almost forgotten. About the trifles we remember, when we talk about some nonsense. While many trifles the same strange word like thumbs.
Sergei Vidanov is the chief curator of the local fishery – talks about the grinders who are engaged in the manufacture of toys, and even chess and checkers. “Before 1913, i.e. before the start of the First world war, in the villages worked about a thousand turners,” he says.
In the Podolsk district farmers were also busy producing carts and sledge. The work was done actually at home. Routine Tsyalezhnikau Vidanov gives in his book “Fields of farmers Podolsk district, Moscow province of the middle XIX – early XX century”: “they start Work at 6 am. In summer, finish at 9 PM. From September 8 elezniki lengthen my working day by 1 hour. Neither in summer nor in winter in the afternoon they rest. Drink tea at 6 a.m. she gets up. Eat Breakfast at 10 o’clock. 12 hours drinking tea. Lunch in 3 hours. And about 6 o’clock in the evening tea”.
Lived Home: Closet of the past centuries in the diaries of the contemporaries
in addition, Podolsky and Yegoryevsk districts, the artisans engaged in the manufacture of combs, brushes, buttons…
Podolsk lace sold not only in Moscow but also abroad. After the revolution, Providence wanted to close, but decided against it – for the sold out West lace rescued a much-needed young government currency.
Sandals – shoes, the former in the course of the 1930-ies, – were made everywhere, but still not in all provinces where they were in demand.
the Shoes came in price to 1 rubles 15 kopecks per pair. There was a fashion for shoes, writes in his diary in June 1916 Eugene Dubuc.
last year in the Belarusian Shklov in the attic of the building during the renovation found a pile of shoes that lay there for more than a century, and for some reason were not sold. And remained in perfect condition.
the Main Russian shoes to the 1930-ies.
In the year of the farmer worn from 50 to 60 pairs of shoes, so many were weaving sandals of their own. It was necessary to prepare tree bark – usually lime. Hence the expression “ripped off as sticky.”
In many provinces were centers of production of bast. For example, in the village of semyonovskoye Kineshma district, Kostroma province lapotnaya craft was so developed that the village was officially called Semenov-Lapotnaya (now the village of ostrovskoye).
Semenovskoe-Lapotnaya in the late XIX – early XX century was one of the centers of making the most of the running shoes.
And in the Ryazan province still remains a saying mentioned by Boris Mozhaev’s story “journey to the Meschera”: “our Ryazan bast but the water was missing! In zhist!”
Also on Ryazanschine was circulated bast Providence. The peasants – usually at home – were engaged in weaving mats (from plants cattail) for coarse cloth and sacks. For work were used and born with the urine. Hence another well-established expression: “Bast and bast – start again”.
Bast fishing in Kasimovsky district of the Ryazan province.
However, the bast Day of every year is now celebrated in Kostroma, Suzdal, Vladimir province, which was once famous for master painters. They worked, usually in large villages of Mstera, Palekh and Kholui. There’s also evolved and lacquer miniature – painted boxes, trays and egg capsules.
One of the most famous people from Palekh artist Pavel Korin. Workshop of his grandfather – Nikolay Illarionovich in the 1860s was considered one of the main “family” Palekh workshops. And the Paul D. in Soviet times, designed the stations of the Moscow metro.
the Painter at work.
Find me if you can. Test about the same names of Moscow metro stations
the station “Komsomolskaya” Ring line, to which Corinne had made a mosaic, there is the image of the Savior on the banners of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy. So it’s the only icon in the subway. Which appeared in the Stalinist era.
Knitting, braiding and weaving at all times remained the traditional home lessons. “Three girls under the window spun late in the evening” – it has long been a classic.
As painted and carved distaffs, which in itself was a work of art. As lace (Vologda, Kalyazin).
Spinner with children. The end of XIX – beginning of XX century.
Our ancestors with the use of time – this can be seen even from this small text. And we have something to learn from them. You can start with thumbs or spillikins.