Theory of passively exploits for quarantine, the return of the phone, the viciousness of virtual exhibitions and a new relationship with public space — the most interesting thoughts about life in isolation in a weekly digest Mary Бессмертной1 I was drinking coffee with sugar all my life. But a few days ago, in the second week of quarantine, stop — just to check out if I can. Of course, I could put another mission. For example, to see all Godard, or read the classics (it is usually “read”, but I’ve read enough in my life that it would be absurd to read), or learn to bake bread. But all this requires action. Not to put sugar in coffee seems to me to be the perfect job quarantine — because it reduces the list of daily chores. No need to look for a teaspoon, put it in a bowl, stir coffee — pointless activity, which I now delivered.Writer Nick Hornby about his achievements during карантина2 Our brain is a generator of predictions, and when the face of an interlocutor during a conference in Zoom or Skype is frozen or out of sync sound and image, we perceive it as a mistake that must be corrected. No matter consciously or unconsciously, but we are more tense — our predictions are not confirmed, and it is exhausting. Video chats are undermining the trust between people because we can’t look each other in the eye. Depending on the camera angle we look up, down or to the side, and it seems that we did something wrong or not very interested in the conversation. Yes, even lawyers question the adequacy of using video evidence during trials.Professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin Paul Niedenthal about why now is better to speak телефону3 aside from all the obvious technical problems, the virtual exhibition is not able to bring satisfaction simply because such entertainment is based on the denial of what is happening at the moment.Slate columnist Cleo Levin about why not go on a virtual tour of музей4 We are still unable to accurately determine the probability of infection on the beach or in the subway, we don’t know what happens when we call the Elevator, sitting on a Park bench or in the car. We don’t know whether to be indignant when someone ran by too close. We are not sure how to feel, moving through the countryside, which we are not able to fully control. I suspect that it will be a long time before most of us will want to sit for hours shoulder to shoulder in the audience. One thing is clear: the virus redefines our relationship with personal and public space, and in the future we will need more of both.Architectural critic New York Magazine Justin Davidson on the new relationship �� public пространством5 while some religious leaders called AIDS God’s punishment for gays, modern society is merciful rendered such opinions are outside the norm, and in our days we look at the spread of AIDS, Ebola and other recent epidemics as organizational failures. We assume that mankind has the knowledge and tools necessary to curb these epidemics, and if an infectious disease is still out of control, this is due to human incompetence, not divine wrath. COVID-19 is no exception. The crisis is still far from complete, but the game is the blame game has already begun. Countries accuse each other. Policy used to each other responsibility, like it’s a grenade. But the public mood is not exhausted, there is still hope. Our heroes are the doctors who save lives. Our superheroes are scientists in laboratories. Just as movie fans know that spider-Man and Wonder woman in the end will win the bad guys and save the world, we are confident that within a few months, maybe years, people in the labs will come up with effective treatments COVID-19. The question sounds everywhere, from the White house and ending with balcony Italy: “When a vaccine is ready?” When. If not.Historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari about modern supererogate next
“Video chats are undermining the trust between people” Opinion: the digest