Vanishingly small particles: New study finds microplastics in every human testicle examined

The results of a new study are clear regarding the finding of microplastics. Particles were found in every testicle examined. There is also a connection to the decline in sperm.

A recent study published in the journal Toxicological Sciences has uncovered microplastics in human testicles, which researchers believe may be linked to reductions in sperm counts in men that have been observed for decades. This is reported by the “Guardian”, among others.

In the study, samples from 23 human testicles and 47 dog testicles were analyzed, with traces of microplastics being detected in all cases. While the number of sperm in the human samples could not be measured due to preservation methods, a decrease in the number of sperm in the dog testicles was found when exposed to higher levels of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a widely used microplastic.

“Microplastics have established themselves as a universal contaminant in our environment and now also in our bodies. “Its effects on health are not yet sufficiently known,” the Guardian quoted the study as saying. The tiny plastic particles can enter the body through consumption of contaminated food and water and could potentially cause inflammation or cause harm through the chemicals they contain.

The human testicle samples came from autopsies and ranged in age from 16 to 88 years. Scientists warn that the impact on younger generations could be even more worrying as the environment now contains more plastic than ever before.

The study, published in the journal Toxicological Sciences, dissolved tissue samples and analyzed the remaining plastic particles. A threefold higher concentration was found in human testicles compared to dog testicles. Polyethylene and PVC were the most discovered types of microplastics. 

Last year, microplastics were already said to have an effect on the human body. It is therefore possible that inflammation would be caused and a change in behavior would be caused. This was discovered in studies by the University of Rhode Island with mice whose behavior was reminiscent of dementia.

With the help of a language test that only lasts 60 seconds, family doctors will in future be able to identify whether a patient may be suffering from dementia. However, the test alone is not sufficient for diagnosis, emphasizes the developer. 

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