Nausea occurs when there is conflicting information coming through the sense organs. If you sit in the back of the car, your eyes see the stationary interior. However, the vestibular system reports movement. So: sit in the front of the car and bus and look out. Find a point on the horizon and fixate with your eyes.

Ginger acts directly on the gastrointestinal tract and probably slows down the effects of histamine. The messenger substance is involved in the development of nausea. Ginger preparations or brews are taken before or during the trip, or a piece of ginger is chewed. Scientific studies confirm the effectiveness.

If all other measures do not work, antihistamines and anticholinergics can help. The latter inhibit the transmission of stimuli in the nervous system. Some medications are over the counter. Especially if children are affected, the intake should be discussed with a doctor beforehand.

dr Jutta Keller: Specialist in internal medicine and head of the gastroenterological day clinic, sonography and functional diagnostics at the Israelitic Hospital in Hamburg

Author: Franziska Wiegard, medical editor

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