At the request of it was in the U.S. government Central, the United States would have seized, no masks, which should be delivered in a different country, or to be taken.

‘t arrived 200.000 masks in Berlin, although ordered and paid

A high government official spoke at the allegations of disinformation, which was “completely wrong”. The United States would produce large quantities of medical Material in the country. When purchasing materials from other countries, you can ride the “appropriate channels”.

More of the Coronavirus, you can read here: Coronavirus outbreak in the News Ticker – the number of Infected in Germany, more than 20,000 cases in Bavaria

rising to 7.5 percent, According to the state Senate, the United States had in Thailand, a shipment of 200,000 protective masks to be intercepted, which had ordered the Berlin police and paid for. The medical masks to the category FFP-2 of a U.S. manufacturer had been confiscated in Bangkok, confiscated, said the Berlin interior Senator Andreas hostage (SPD). The Senator criticized the actions of the US authorities as “an act of modern piracy”. Interceptor battle: Spahn-testimony to the protection of mask deliveries can be deep-FOCUS Online/Wochit interceptor combat: Spahn look-testimony to the protection of mask deliveries can look deep
