Of July 1, Israel planned to start the process for the distribution of its sovereignty over part of the West Bank of the Jordan river. Most of the countries regards this plan as the annexation. Jordan has already warned about the risk of a “major conflict” in the region, as well as on the possible revision of its relations with Israel. The position of the Kingdom on this account explained the uncle of king of Jordan Prince Hassan bin Talal in the article, the right to publish in Russia was provided by “Kommersant”.The Jordanian-Palestinian position in particular and Arab in General in the so-called deal of the century comes from requirements of logic, conscience and impartiality of the provisions of international law in contrast to the narrow, unilateral approach adopted by the influential circles of Israel. Underpinning this position is a critical attitude to the political content of this “deal” announced by US President Donald trump and the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu in their talks held in Washington on 28 January 2020. Read daleys these performances, despite the language differences between them, it is clear that “transaction” actually destroys the Foundation on which rests the principle of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace, dilutes the content of the peace process and undermines its legitimacy, in terms of the ability to build on previous agreements and international law in General. “Deal,” thus undermining the peace project proposed by the administration of President George H. W. Bush in 1991, and neutralizes the Arab peace plan endorsed at the Beirut summit in 2002, is to complement and strengthen these initiatives.Concern for the fate of the peace process, the inability to continue its implementation as a result of the rejection of the principle of creation of two States and a reluctance to grant the Palestinian people their right to their territory and their own independent state with its capital in East Jerusalem, as well as attempts to impose unilateral decisions,— all this only leads to increased tension in the region and around the world, the new threats to stability where the extremists and terrorists seek to implement their plans, as well as the loss of a real chance to create a civil society in the countries of the region to guarantee their right to development and respect for human dignity.Jordan with all its leaders since the 50-ies of the last century, sought and seek peace. At the same time, her approach to the world was always clear and unambiguous. It is based on resolutions No. 242 and No. 338 of the Security Council and involves the creation of through bilateral negotiations of two States — Palestinian and Israeli — and their further lossesto��hardware. As for future relations between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the young State of Palestine, then they must be created in the negotiation process between the two fraternal countries, United by strong ties, shared principles and strategic interests. According to the norms of constitutional law, in the creation of any bilateral relations, the issues of control and power, require two interested countries, each of which has attributes peculiar to the state that represents its people, a well-defined territory and Supreme political power, with the status of an independent legal entity and full sovereignty over all parts of the territory and over its nationals on the basis of equality.After the signing of the peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israelis in Oslo, followed by an agreement between Jordan and Israel in 1994, my brother the king Hussein bin Talal (Allah have mercy on him Allah) sent a letter to his government in which he affirmed the right of the Palestinian people to full sovereignty over their territory and resources. Since the message containing the invitation to the Arab countries and Israel, to participate in the Madrid peace conference of 1991, stated that a Palestinian state should be created in the next five years, king Hussein (Allah have mercy on him Allah) said that the negotiations aimed at the establishment of an independent Palestinian state will be led by the Palestine liberation Organization.However, this does not mean that Jordan refuses full coordination with the Palestinian authority and Israel in seeking to achieve compliance with that peace agreement, the higher interests of Jordan, consisting in the achievement of peace based on the recognition of the independence and equality of the existing Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the future Palestinian State, and confirm the historic responsibility of the Hashemites in relation to the Holy Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian Holy places, the clear demarcation of borders between Jordan and Palestine, the solution to the refugee problem, ensuring all safety measures, resolving the problem of groundwater use and establishing a Jordanian-Palestinian trade.After the proclamation of the unity of the Western and Eastern banks of the Jordan in April 1950, held a meeting of the Jordanian chamber of deputies with the participation of representatives of the West Bank, where it was stated that the decision on unity will not violate the rights of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state on its national territory, since the Union territories DV��x banks, voted for by the deputies, representing the people of Jordan, as well as the legal representatives of the Arabs of Palestine, is only a temporary measure aimed at countering the expansionist threats from Zionists. It does not represent an alternative to creating an independent Palestinian state, which was endorsed by the international community and reinforced by the decision to take this country into the UN as an observer.Jordan, supporting the relevant UN resolutions since their adoption and up to the present day, made it clear to the international community that its Association with the West Bank in the interests of the Palestinian side. Jordan considered the West Bank as a territory under her temporary control, which must be respected and strengthened and which in the legal sense does not mean a right of ownership of the territory. She came from assigned to Jordanian rulers of the historical responsibility for the rights of Palestinians and provide favourable conditions for the preservation of peace, stability and genuine security in the region based on its comprehensive development.The adoption in August 1988, Jordan the decision to abandon legal and administrative ties with the West Bank was intended to promote Palestinian-Israeli peace acceptable to both sides, and giving the Palestinian leadership the opportunity to carry out their duties on behalf of the Palestinian people, as stipulated by the decisions of Arab summit in Rabat in 1974. The people of Jordan, under article 1 of the Jordanian Constitution, is part of the Arab nation. Although some people thinks that Jordan at that moment wavered in his attitude to the decision, this does not negate the fact that she was convinced that the conflict with Israel is not confined to the Palestinian-Israeli contradictions, as is a deeper national conflict between Arabs and Zionists. However, Jordan agreed with this decision, despite the fact that the West Bank in 1950, became an integral part of Jordan, and the Security Council resolutions No. 242 and No. 338 were considered as occupied Jordanian territory. After the termination of Ottoman and British laws in the West Bank resulting legislative vacuum was filled with Jordanian laws, which continued to operate there up to the introduction on the territory of the Israeli legal and administrative system applied to enter to Israeli settlers.Jordan will be dedicated to the defence of the legitimate rights of the Palestinians. She defends them in all international and regional forums, the officialilinykh bilateral and multilateral meetings. Jordan uses his peace Treaty with Israel to protect Holy places and to preserve their identity, to protect the honor and dignity of Palestinians—former citizens of Jordan, which Israeli occupation forces were constantly infringed. The fiduciary responsibility of the Hashemite family concerning the Holy places of Jerusalem are justified both from a historical and from a religious-ideological point of view. Their origins of these features date back to 1921, when the Sheriff of Mecca Hussein Ibn Ali (Allah have mercy on him Allah) was sworn in as a Trustee of Jerusalem, and the oath was kept, being passed from one to another of the successive monarchs of Jordan, including in the period of the territorial unity of the Western and Eastern banks of the Jordan. And although this unity is legally and administratively ceased to exist in 1988, Jordan abandoned its guardianship of Islamic and Christian Holy sites of Jerusalem to protect them from the tyranny of colonizers and constantly Reaffirming that East Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Palestine, as reflected in Security Council resolutions and other instruments adopted by the international community.When Jordan was forced to turn to the different influential organizations, seeking to prevent the construction and further expansion of Israeli colonial settlements in the West Bank as the basis for its subsequent annexation by Israel, about which so much is said today and also in an effort to protect the Palestinian people, its honor and dignity, to support him in his selfless struggle for the survival of its national territory, it has always been in the forefront of those who demanded protection of their rights against attempts of violation by Israel. Jordan adheres to this position today, despite the enormous economic and political pressure to which it is exposed.In the past four years, Jordan and Palestine have faced serious challenges related to the expansion of colonial expansion and strengthening of the extremist ideology of the Zionists, exacerbated by storm events that swept the Arab world. These events undermined the mutual support of the Arabs, broke their ranks, was complicated by their economic situation, increased internal alienation of many Arab countries and weakened their role in the region and the world. As a result of together various regional and international reasons for increased economic, political and military pressure on Jordan, which remains an important factor of regional stability in West Asia and North Africa.In conditions, when Jordan firmly committed to achieve success in its fight against coronavirus �� effects of his pandemic, “deal of the century” has led to increasing efforts to impose on the region of the world without holding any negotiations between the parties concerned. Is imposing the world is made despite the fact that the UN Charter stresses the need to resolve all international disputes peacefully directly by the parties to them and through negotiations with the involvement of mechanisms of investigation, mediation, conciliation, recourse to arbitration and judicial settlement. Nothing like this was done when nominating recent American proposals, announced in the absence of the representatives of the Palestinians, despite the fact that they are the main party in this conflict. The proposal includes plans and solutions to problems that practically nullify the very possibility of a Palestinian state on a solid and permanent basis. The result of the Palestinian problem and the establishment of an independent state was generally outside of the subject matter under the “deal of the century”.Being absolutely confident that the Palestinian people will not accept such a “deal” and that the circumstances of the Arabs at the present time, change, and seeing that many reasonable voices in the world continue to call for fair, peaceful solution to the conflict based on the coexistence of two viable States, and unfailing recognition of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, we would like to emphasize that Jordan, Palestine and other countries of the Levant (Arab Mashreq), who together with their brothers from Egypt and the member countries of the cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf belong to the General family of equals and responsible to each other States, had been subjected to attempts to pressure them since 1948 and 1967. This group of countries forms the geopolitical barrier that separates two opposing nationalism, the Arab and the Zionist. Thus, Jordan represents the “East window” in Palestine, as the center of political events raging around her.This becomes evident today when, after 75 years since the beginning of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the inalienable right of the Palestinians to their own independent state with its capital in East Jerusalem was included in the list of priority issues for both American and European voters. In addition, the problem of anti-Semitism that originated in one of the States of the Christian West in modern times, casts a shadow on the Security Council, which cannot achieve a peaceful, just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian problem, although he has the legal mechanisms and tools dLa of the adoption of any measures it deems appropriate to resolve international disputes based on the provisions of the UN Charter. Today, States often prefer not to use the term “conflict” when submitting a complaint to the Security Council because the UN Charter prohibits a state party to the conflict to vote on any proposal relating to an award or settlement of this conflict. Therefore, in such a situation States use other terms in order to avoid the application of the aforementioned legal provisions. In recent time, the countries of the Levant are the victim of a crises that only God knows how to finish, as those who seek to have external or internal conflict, usually do not think about how the end of the war. This again makes me think of the Security Council resolutions No. 242 and No. 338, which called for the withdrawal of troops in exchange for peace, and the subsequent UN resolutions, where he confirmed the need to provide the Palestinian people to exercise its legitimate rights in its own territory. These tasks should have been based on clear principles, according to which struggling people to achieve their goals not only in terms of its fundamental rights, but also in the creation of an independent government, national institutions and civil society in freedom and independence.Jordan, who with her characteristic generosity, based on its high prestige, has always attempted to mitigate the effects of regional wars and laid the burden of granting asylum to victims of the events of the “Arab spring”, always played the role of a cultural and civilizational bridge between Islam and the West, between Arabs and parable, Turks and Persians, and has also repeatedly issued appeals for peace and harmony. Therefore, it is unacceptable that she was the target of threats from those who wished to force her to submit to the ideological extremism of Israel, on the one hand, and to engage in the process of the clash of cultures and civilizations which do not recognize freedom of thought, on the other, that is, to follow those who reject dialogue and seeks to replace it with the language of accomplished facts, putting forward the slogan that the truth belongs to those in whose hands power. Such a position only serves to fulfill the prophecies about the end of the world, the implementation of various myths, prejudices and extreme views are not acceptable, neither from the point of view of the mind, nor from the standpoint of historical reality. The international community to achieve peace and stability and to overcome standing in front of him the test based on the legitimacy of the original, launched in 1948, the principle of creation of the two States. One of these States, of Israel, was proclaimed unilaterally by David Ben-Gurion, navasari world, unilateral recognition of independence. Is the government trying now to drown out the voice of other party, which was under British mandate, namely the Palestinians, trying to get them to agree with the policy of fait accompli, which not only failed to bring an end to the ongoing conflict and resolve the Palestinian problem and the middle East crisis in General, but also carries a risk to perpetuate it as a phenomenon of regional and global scale. Ben-Gurion believed the Arab countries the space to be used for the creation of a strong Israel and the subsequent expansion of its borders at their expense, for they are weak and divided and unable to pose a real threat to Israel. On the other hand, the position at the time defended king Faisal I (founder and first king of modern Iraq, first and last king of Syria, of the Hashemite dynasty.— “B”) and Chaim Weizmann (first President of Israel.— “B”), was different: at the Paris peace conference of 1919, held in Versailles, they agreed to use the maximum available resources for cooperation for the sake of creating a multinational multi-confessional state, including the cradle of civilizations — Palestine, other countries in the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula and Mesopotamia.One who seeks peace, deserves recognition and encouragement, and should not be subjected to any pressure. As the Arab proverb says, your friend is not the one who all agrees with you, and one who is honest and truthful.