
Social media platforms have been buzzing with a new conspiracy theory over the past couple of weeks – the disappearance of the moon. Videos on TikTok with the hashtag “moongone” show users puzzled by the absence of the moon in the night sky, often accompanied by eerie music.

However, KXAN staff were able to confirm visually that the moon was indeed present during the period in question. While some people speculate that the government or divine forces are behind the supposed disappearance, the real reason is much simpler.

Judy Meyer, a senior program coordinator at the University of Texas at Austin’s McDonald Observatory, explained that the moon’s movement around the Earth is a natural phenomenon. It takes about a month for the moon to complete its orbit around the Earth, during which its visibility changes depending on its phase and position above the horizon.

The moon’s altitude above the horizon fluctuates throughout the day and night, affecting how high it appears in the sky. During the time when people claimed the moon was missing, its position was such that it was not easily visible, especially when obstructed by tall buildings, hills, or trees.

Additionally, the moon’s phase plays a crucial role in its visibility. A full moon reflects almost 100% of the sun’s light, making it appear bright in the night sky. On the other hand, during a new moon phase, the moon’s illumination drops significantly, making it harder to see, especially in areas with light pollution.

Meyer pointed out that in the winter months, when there is more darkness, people may be more likely to notice the absence of the moon. However, in reality, the moon is still there, just not always visible depending on its phase and position in the sky.

She also mentioned that a few days after the new moon, a crescent moon can often be seen just above the western horizon after sunset, but you have to be in the right place at the right time to catch a glimpse of it.

So, the next time you find yourself wondering where the moon has gone, remember that it’s simply a natural occurrence based on its orbit, phase, and position in the sky. Don’t let conspiracy theories cloud your understanding of the world around you – sometimes, the truth is much simpler than it seems.