Specialist in the tourism industry revealed the way to become a blogger, traveler and earn on travel. This reports the South China Morning Post.
So, in the opinion of the author Steve Thomas (Steve Thomas), despite the uncertainty on the background pandemic coronavirus, now is the best time to develop your social media pages or to create your own website.
“In some countries, domestic transport is already gaining momentum, and, most likely, people will reach out to regional travel. Given that many now a huge amount of spare time and a great deal at home, it is possible to benefit,” — said the expert.
First, as Thomas said, you need to set goals and find your niche. “Focus on what you are knowledgeable and passionate about what do. Topics such as local street food, regional and Hiking trails, the culture of the locals can be monetized through direct interaction”, — said the author.
in addition, it is advised to avoid shocking headers and signatures, which do not convey the essence of the publications, and instead to prefer more substantial content. Thomas also noticed that to do the posts need constant regularity to gain momentum and promote them on social networks — Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
the Expert added that during visits to attract audience, it is often necessary to put stories in Instagram and actively engage with existing followers.
In October 2019 British organization Wowcher that help consumers make best purchase, announced the opening of dream jobs with a salary of 20 thousand pounds sterling (more than two million rubles per year). As stated in the job description, the responsibilities of employee will include travel around the world and maintain social networks.