two More libraries began to issue books in a single library card (ECB). It is the Central city business library and the scientific library of the House district.In. Gogol. Just ECB 413 are already taking in the stacks of the capital of 440.

the Fund holds almost 106 thousand books, magazines, Newspapers, business publications and international, national, classical, modern, artistic and historical literature, as well as audio and video, maps and games. The basis of the Fund consists of books on Economics, marketing, Finance, statistics, law and psychology. In the library you can find many best sellers that focus on business, life philosophy and Economics. Among them, for example, the book by Stephen Covey “the Seven habits of highly effective people” about personal growth and “Developing leaders” Ichak Adizes, in which we are talking about that ideal leaders do not exist, and companies achieve success through teams. Famous book financial guru Nassim Taleb “the Black Swan” talks about how unpredictable events — “black swans” — developing the story and significantly change lives. Using his theory, the author’s company has earned investors more than $ 500 million. And in the book by Jeff Howe “Crowdsourcing. Collective intelligence as a tool for business development” formulated laws and examples of the use of the project to the public in different sectors: from the creation of toothpaste to software development.

the structure of the Central city business library includes a reading hall, subscription Department, service Department, information, online class, guidance Department, media library, games and cartography, Department of acquisition and processing, Department of international relations. On the website of the institution, which is integrated with popular social networks, you can discuss news, get advice on a wide range of issues: for example, to specify bibliographic and legal information to be aware of the ongoing library events.

Also joined the scheme of the scientific library in Building N. In. Gogol, whose collections are 211,5 thousands of publications. Today the library’s readers — mostly young people (about 80 percent). Most of them are students of humanitarian universities of Moscow, because an important feature of the library — its humanistic orientation. In the reading room and on subscription you can find books on philosophy, literature, psychology, art, religious literature and fiction. Special attention is paid to publications N. In. Gogol, as well as materials related to his life and work.

General Fund capital reading rooms connected to a single automated library information system, is more than 11 million publications.

Citizensissued 402 am thousands single reader’s ticket, and only this year, Muscovites have received them more than three million books.

a Single library card is a plastic card which has a barcode and a unique 13-digit number. In a single automated library information system the librarian will see the information about the user: first name, last name and patronymic, contacts and books that for him the number. Thanks ECB you can go to any library, where it is taken. Now no need to register in each of the libraries.

to get ECB, you need to come to the public library with your passport. Tickets can be issued not only for adults, but also for the child. For this you need to visit the library accompanied by a parent (or official representative) and present the passport of an adult.

as a single library card, you can use the social map Muscovite. The librarian will connect her with the reader profile in a single automated library information system.

How to enroll in Bibliotheque libraries connected to a single library card