President of the United States Donald trump is sure that the wall is partially built on the border with Mexico, helps prevent new cases of infection with coronavirus in the United States. About this American leader said Tuesday on air of TV channel Fox News.
According to trump, the total length of the wall is 275 miles, and in the coming months the boom length will be doubled. The White house stated that the barrier helped to reduce the number of illegal immigrants from Mexico, including people infected with coronavirus, writes TASS. “Over the wall we do not is a strong negative influence from Mexico. This is great,” said trump.
According to the latest Johns Hopkins University, in the United States identified more than 4.76 million cases of infection with coronavirus, had died of 155.6 thousand people. In Mexico sick 443,8 thousand people, died more than 48 thousand.
the Border wall was a major campaign promise trump in 2016. Its construction is part of the tight immigration policy of the current President. According to the head of the White house, the wall needed to deter illegal immigration and stop drug trafficking across the southern border of the United States.