According to the results of the US presidential elections to be held in early November 2020, with a high probability of the victory of the Democratic candidate Joseph Biden. To such conclusion, in particular, the American history Professor Allan Lichtman, using a test system of “13 keys to the White house”.
Recall that Allan Lichtman is known that by performing such a prediction since 1984, eight times accurately predicted the winner of the race in the United States. Wrong in their forecasts the Professor only once, in 2000, when he expected to win the Democrat al Gore, but won the Republican George W. Bush. However, the Mountains then really could win the popular vote, if the U.S. Supreme court suddenly decided to stop recounting the votes of Florida, in connection with which the presidency went to George W. Bush. So the Professor insists that his initial forecast was accurate.
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It is noteworthy that some Russian experts also believe that the White house will be Joseph Biden.
– In the history of America, never been to the candidate during the presidency which the US was immersed in economic crisis, won the election, recalled in an interview with “SP” associate Professor of financial markets and financial engineering of Ranhigs Sergei hestanov.
If the Democrats win, the rhetoric of Joe Biden has the potential to result in new anti-Russian sanctions. Much more rigid than it was before.
That the Democrats, if successful, their candidate in the elections will “tighten the screws” in our relationship, no doubt.
“How hard can it be U.S. policy towards Russia, if the new head of the White house will be Democrat Joe Biden?”, – asked “SP” the leading researcher of the Center for the study of security problems of the RAS, political scientist-americanist Konstantin Blokhin.
– This Donald trump understands that America is, in fact, now drained of blood. It objectively weakened, first, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, costing us taxpayers $ 8 trillion, and, secondly, the financial crisis of 2008 and the current coronavirus. Therefore, it is necessary to make the American economy more effective, agreeing with Russia. But this view is radically different from the views of Biden, whom the liberal elite of the United States perceives as the “new Obama”, on coming into the White house everything will fall back on your thumb rails.
And if he wins, then, in my opinion, the American political system will work smoothly as a Swiss watch. Close attention will be paid to just Russia and the whaleAyu, every effort will be thrown to the curb the two countries as the political elite of the United States has not yet emerged from the euphoria of the 90-ies, thinking that America is still an Empire. And if so, then it therefore must defend its area of influence, by continuing to Fund their allies. And the United States victorious March will continue to walk on the planet. Therefore, by the way, the original trump initiatives to improve relations with Russia and failed they were blocked by the U.S. Congress.