Traffic light trouble: pension dispute “surprises” Habeck – summit meeting with Lindner and Scholz

Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) wants to take the coalition dispute over pension package II into his own hands.

“This will now be discussed between the Federal Chancellor, the Finance Minister and me,” he said in an interview with FOCUS. There is a process for “all open questions”.

Habeck is surprised by the dispute between his two coalition partners: “It surprises me that the dispute between the FDP and SPD is now being played out so clearly.” At the same time, Habeck made it clear that he fundamentally understands the FDP’s position: “I understand and share The FDP’s goal is for as many people as possible to work even at an older age.”

The Vice Chancellor is convinced that the traffic lights will last until the federal election. “I don’t see that anyone wants to cause a break. That would also be irresponsible given the phase we are in.” The current government has “a tendency to scandalize points that it is not comfortable with”. Although these can be solved calmly, they are reported in the media, said Habeck. That’s not good. “This requires the willingness of everyone to jump over their own shadows.”

While the FDP relies on savings in social and pension policy, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) strictly rejects cuts for pensioners in Germany. In a current five-point paper that the FDP presidium wanted to adopt this Monday, the Liberals are calling for a “generationally fair budget policy”.

The pension package actually negotiated is intended to guarantee a pension level of 48 percent by 2039. This costs additional money, so the contribution rate will increase. However, the Liberals strictly reject contribution rates that are too high.