Totally fit: just 1 minute! This is what happens in the body when you do planks every day

Planks are one of the most popular fitness exercises for a strong core. They are totally effective and you can do them without any equipment. The best thing about it: just one minute a day is enough to get fit with planks. 

This exercise may look easy from the outside, but it quickly pushes you to your limits: planks.

When planking you don’t move – but that doesn’t make the forearm plank any less strenuous. 

When planking, you support yourself on your forearms and toes and try to keep your core and legs in a straight line. This puts a lot of strain on the whole body, but especially on the core muscles.

Anyone who has ever done planks knows that time feels like it moves more slowly when you are in the plank position.

If you want to complete an effective full-body workout in the shortest possible time, planks are the right choice. The best thing about it: You can do planks anytime and (almost) anywhere.

All you need is your own body and maybe a mat.

Planking is an ideal exercise for strengthening the lower back because it activates all the essential muscles there. Strengthening this muscle group is important to strengthen your back for everyday life. The exercise also improves the stability of the entire torso.

Planks are also really good for your posture. The exercise strengthens the muscles in the back, shoulders and neck. If you do planks regularly, you will strengthen exactly these areas and will benefit from a more upright posture in the long term.

Anyone who integrates planking into their daily routine challenges the entire body. The exercise helps burn calories. At the same time you build muscles.

Muscles burn calories even when resting. This means that even if you miss a day, the muscles you build ensure that your body continues to burn calories.

Even if you barely move during the exercise, planks are quite strenuous.

Not only does the body benefit from planking, but also the mind. Planking can have positive effects on the nervous system and even improve your mood.

The reason for this is: Planking stretches exactly those muscle groups that we often tense under stress and strain. Especially in office jobs, you tend to tense your shoulders, get back pain and develop a stiff pelvis.

Planks are the perfect way to counteract office chair posture. As soon as the affected muscle areas are relaxed, the mood quickly improves.

Those who do planks every day will also benefit from increased self-esteem. You can quickly see progress with planking. Even if it’s only a few seconds that you can stay in the position longer, progress makes you proud and motivates you to stay on the ball.

Planking provides the perfect basis for any other sport. Anyone who has problems standing on one leg for long periods of time has poor balance. One of the most common reasons for this is that the back is not trained enough.

Planking strengthens the back muscles. This also improves balance. Good balance and body control are important prerequisites for other sports, for example ball sports and dancing. 

Another advantage of the plank is that the exercise makes you flexible. Planking stretches all posterior muscle groups: shoulders, shoulder blades, thighs, calves, feet and even the toes. This makes everyday movements easier and reduces the risk of injury during sport. 

Tip: Beginners should initially hold the plank for around 20 to 30 seconds and gradually increase it. 

The original for this post “Just 1 minute! This is what happens to your body when you do planks every day” comes from FitForFun.