In the second half of the year, businesses of the most affected sectors are planned to offset the cost of the implementation of sanitary-epidemiological requirements. This year, for this purpose, the draft plan may be allocated 20 billion rubles.

Among non-financial support is the planned extension to the end of 2021 moratorium on scheduled inspections of SMEs, the extension to 2021 of the principle of “license automatic”.

the Project supposes a new stage of import substitution, involving the diversification of the military-industrial complex, the purchase of domestic machinery products in the national projects, and support of complex import-substituting investment projects. These measures include the establishment of quotas for domestic engineering products for procurement by state-owned companies, the recapitalization of well-reputed industry development Fund by 40 billion rubles.

the National project “Safe and high-quality roads” are planned to be performed at a faster pace in four years instead of five. Will be implemented the planned projects for the construction of the Central ring road, a high-speed highway Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod – Kazan road around Yekaterinburg, the bridge across the Zeya river in Blagoveshchensk, bypass Togliatti, Khabarovsk and other major projects.

the House will be built faster – the government intends to eliminate unnecessary requirements in the construction industry and to accelerate its digitalization, a part of the standards in this area will lose binding.

the Enterprises of the hotel and tourism sector can recover 50% of the interest payments, as well as to provide rescheduling of debt repayments for credits attracted earlier. Provides reduced rates of VAT for enterprises of the tourism industry to 7%.

Organizations utilities, faced with the rapid growth of non-payment, will subsidise interest rates on loans, state guarantees on such loans can be up to 100 billion rubles.

you can create a single electronic investment area for agricultural land. With its help it will be possible to evaluate individual sites. A potential investor will be able to get a ready solution on how selhozperepisi the most popular in the region.