In the capital, previously redeveloped for hospitalization of patients with coronavirus infection, return to normal operation mode. Reported by Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Moscow Mayor for social development.

Also this week, work has already begun to return to the standard mode of operation of five hospitals, previously converted for the treatment COVID-19. This hospital in Shabolovka, Moscow, city clinical hospital named after E. O. Mukhin, city clinical hospital of a name of D. D. Pletnev, municipal clinical hospital named VP Demikhova and city clinical hospital No. 31. In General, these hospitals will be freed.

the ambulance crew did not bring in these clinics new patients with coronavirus infection or suspicion of it. Now here are the preparatory work before the opening. In institutions dismantle temporary equipment and conduct a large-scale sanitization.

In accordance with the temporary standard of the beds in the wards will set. The premises will additionally ventilate and disinfect the air.

At admission, the patients must adhere to the mask mode and social distance. Hospitalized patients will be through a separate entrance in the hospital building, and the interval between patients is not less than 15 minutes. Will also be regularly disinfected.

Before running the hospital testing for coronavirus infection will be the entire medical staff of the institutions. In the future employees will be research on COVID-19 on a weekly basis.

Test for coronavirus infection will be done and patients of hospitals. Planned treatment will begin only tests COVID-19. At this time, patients will place, observing the strict requirements of sanitary-epidemiological security. The first few days they will be in separate chambers and to pass the full course of examination at COVID-19.

will Lead to sanitary and epidemiological requirements and the hospital. Before opening the facilities, equipment and ventilating systems of hospitals, recommended to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Then the institutions will carry out preventive and current disinfection and surface processing, which can touch people, at least twice a day. Staff and patients may need to install additional non-contact dispensers and faucets for hand hygiene.