Think naudrespiratorane potentially can save lives

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Erna Solberg’s gladnyheit that the government order 1000 respiratorar was quickly picked apart yesterday. No answer Lærdal and Stavanger university (SUS) on the criticism.

Naudrespiratorane is thought of as a beredskapstiltak for a worst tenkeleg situation, and it is the Norwegian Defence research establishment that has taken the initiative to this.

Naudrespiratorane being criticized on the wrong basis. Forhåpentleg is no use for trouble-respiratorane, says Tore Laerdal of Laerdal Medical.

One of the new naudrespiratoren that was shown at Laerdal Medical in Stavanger Tuesday.

Photo: Arild Eskeland / NRK

But in the worst case, the foreign community now in a situation where it within few weeks can be a large gap between the available respiratorar and the need for them underlines Lærdal.

If the society has to grasp naudløysingar, think he too is tenkeleg that need assistance from other types of health professionals than they as to the general jobs with this form of equipment.

– Then it becomes all the more important that naudutstyret used, is enklast possible to get the training in and the safest possible to use. It is these requirements naudrespiratoren is developed to accommodate, ” says Lærdal.

Strongly criticized

Landsgruppa to the Norwegian sjukepleiarforbund of Intensivsykepleiere (NSFLIS) and the Norwegian anestesiologisk society (NAF) is strongly out against the government’s order in a press release:

NSFLIS and NAF, sadly, on the product that is being presented here as inadequate as behandlingstilbod to intensivpasientar in general and to the COVID-19 patients with acute lungesviktsyndrom (ARDS) in particular.

the Department of Haukeland endorses the fråsegnene from NSFLIS and NAF.

– We were overraska when we heard about the purchase of respiratorane. The prototype has not been tested properly yet, and it works as this has been rusha fram. It has happened very fast, ” says Stig Fence, seksjonsoverlege on Intensivmedisinsk section.

Seksjonsoverlege Stig Fence and the academic community at Haukeland endorses the criticism.

Photo: Øyvor Bakke / NRK

Fence think respiratorane only can be intended for a extreme naudssituasjon.

– Experience our korona-patients is that they are so foolish that we see not cause us that this computer can be used on them. We have alternative respiratorar which is better, and we shall be far out in the pandemic before we resort to these. This must be the trouble-use with two stroke is under siege.

medical director at Health West, Eldar Søreide, think that much of the criticism which has come is quite right, and that the equipment is thought for just naudssituasjonar.

Eldar Søreide, medical director at Health West.

Photo: Arild Eskeland / NRK

– It is not so that we can plan for the use of this type of naudrespirator. All the planning goes against the way we are going to cover this with the usual type of intensivrespirator, says Søreide.

Should the situation change, it will be an alternative to using a handhaldt pustebag on the patient. So fagdirektøren, naudrespiratorane, are they a mechanized method that do just that.

Respiratorane is not finished

The 1000 naudrespiratorane that the government have ordered is not finished developed, underlines Søreide.

Stavanger university (SUS) think still respiratorane may have the potential to save lives.

– We can vouch for them in the way that we have been involved in the first evalueringa, but it is a prototype that require further development, ” says Søreide, who think respiratorane may be appropriate for trouble-situations.

He gets the support from Espen Nakstad, fungerande deputy head of the health directorate.

Espen Nakstad, fungerande deputy head of the health directorate. He has also taken a doctorate in respiratorbehandling.

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / Håkon Mosvold Larsen

– Should come in a situation without enough respiratorar, a naudrespirator be of help for some patients.

Have involved the academic community

prime Minister Erna Solberg says that the government has had a review with the intensivfaglege the environment in the forefront of the it has.

prime Minister Erna Solberg.

Photo: Lise Åserud

– We have after all, considerable bestillingar out, which is done before themselves koronakrisen. We are working now for a “worst case”scenario, she says.

Respiratorane is reviewed in order to be able to function for this purpose, think of the prime minister.

It’s a respirator when one is in trouble, when you don’t have the other respiratorar.

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