They must not take the ass in the us again

To be capitalist on sunny days and a socialist, when it rains, does not hold.

When the profits come pouring in on the account, it is a private matter, while it is society’s responsibility, when crises, and the deficit turns out.

the Privatization of profits and collectivization of losses will be the result if we do not have a big hammer, when we offer subsidies.

Alone in the 2017 stroking the companies 342,5 billion home – after-tax. The equity is growing between 2014 and 2018 from 2,100 billion. to 2,900 billion. The hammer illustrates the counterclaim for hjælpepakkerne.

They will not take the ass on us again. I am thinking of banks and large companies, who for years have shoveled huge profits home. Citizenship means we all contribute to the community. With ordinary income tax, corporation tax, contingent to the trade union and so on.

I know that it hurts right down in the toes of the owners of the Danish Bank, Nordea, best seller, Royal Bank and so on, when the money is not coming as expected. Now they have been under the treatment of their spin doctors. The many rare billion is placed in a høkasse.

There is no reason to be naive, for shareholders ‘ accounts make, just later. I suggest more secure methods, namely, to put the tax up, so the money ends up with the state or a fund to help distressed companies.

While the corona-the crisis raging, is it necessary to stick your hand under the companies, otherwise we risk to lose even more jobs. On the other side of the crisis, they must contribute.

LA holds the well’s mouth about tax cuts. The borgerliges newfound solidarity in the ranks, hopefully, also to those who have the least of all. Now may the trip come to recipients of social assistance, unemployment benefits and the run-down. Or was samfundssindet just a thin paint?

the Crisis is a developer, which gets the images to stand out more clearly.

Employers old battle cry, ‘Everyone is his own happiness’ meant in the past that you have to fend for themselves without the help of others. Now it means to forge his luck in front of the other when the wish list presented to finance minister.

For more than 100 years ago, created the workers ‘sickness funds’, which guaranteed a certain income in case of illness. Today, the task is thankfully taken over by the society. Employers can establish a corresponding ‘fund’ for companies because of the crisis comes in the problems. So they shall be liable jointly and severally for each other.

“There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” Connect with talk about topskattelettelser, and in the future are the companies in line to hand over the income tax, isn’t it? Away with tax havens, the golden handshake and monsterlønninger on direktionsgangene!

We are members of the trade unions, which negotiate collective agreements and the promises of the civic in a time of crisis, isn’t it? Krifa, The Professional House and the other, just in the shelter and enjoying the benefits of the work of others, shuts on and off.


Karsten Hønge Member of the Danish Parliament, SF

the MF is from 2007 – 11, as a temp in 2014 and 2015. Former local politician arranged and fagforeningsformand. Trained tømrersvend and has traveled around the world several times. There must be a difference in the left and right. The hot water should be hot, and the cold cold. Shoots with sharp – someone has to say it. Policy should not be unnecessarily boring. You can’t be friends with everyone. Can’t keep ømskindede and self-important politicians.