The more people are integrated into the conditions of life during a pandemic coronavirus, the faster society will return to a normal lifestyle, said the chief doctor of the Moscow hospital No. 52 Maryana Lysenko, write "news".

"in order to prevent serious problems, we must learn to live a little in other terms, they are simple, she said.

Specialist calls attention to the inhabitants of the countries which first faced with an epidemic COVID-19.

"They wear masks and no coronavirus, when you realize that unhealthy and can endanger people who are close to them", — said Lysenko.

According to the doctor, so people first and foremost protect themselves and those around them.

"It is important and the right culture, which we too need to learn, given that the virus is going to stay with us, be with us to co-exist", — concluded the doctor.

Lysenko noted the importance of maintaining the mask of the regime and of social distancing, especially in public places.

Recent data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.