Every relative of Sergey Zakharov, who died in a traffic accident with actor Mikhail Efremov, receives 350 thousand rubles for one talk show. About it to “Komsomolskaya Pravda” said producer mark Rudinshtein.

According to the Rudinshtein on these talk shows for free nobody walks, and usually they pay about a million rubles for one “great hero”, but in this case the amount was shared among all relatives of the deceased. However, he noted, that does not condemn family Zakharov for visiting TV programmes as they are now with “the black sheep even a tuft of wool”.

Previously injured in the actor Mikhail Efremov, staged a fatal accident in the centre of Moscow, demanded to compensate the moral damage in the amount over 40 million rubles. Also clarifies that the intention to become the victim expressed a common-law wife Zakharova. They have already been recognized by the wife, brother and two sons of the deceased.

Originally Efremov admitted his guilt and told about the readiness to pay compensation to the family of the deceased and to bear the punishment of the law. Subsequently, however, his lawyer said that the actor did not admit guilt in the incident and is ready to help families Zakharova reasons of goodwill — because the accident involved his car.

The accident occurred on 8 June. Machine of Ephraim, who was in an alcohol intoxication, has left on an oncoming lane and crashed into a van, whose driver died in hospital due to blood loss. The artist himself was not injured, he was sent under house arrest until August 9. Ephraim was charged under part 4 of article 264 of the criminal code (“Violation of traffic rules, entailed on imprudence death of the person”). The maximum penalty is 12 years imprisonment.