Everything strictly by the rules: guard meets every artist and employee of the theater “School of modern drama” invitation to measure the temperature. Hearing his “thirty six and six” and having, if necessary, the mask, the participants of the first public after the isolation run play going to the hall of “Hermitage”. The play “fat no” on the play by the famous St. Petersburg playwright Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina in the setting of Alexander Sozonov will be one of the first Premier of the new season. Starring Irina Alferova. On Monday, it took the arts Council theatre. The Prime Minister has already been appointed.
the Show opens Joseph Raihelgauz, said that in fact, no artistic Council in the theater on the Pipe there. Just going to the team of professionals – creative Director, Director, literary Manager, Savas, zampost, invite some close to the theatre people, because artists should feel the reaction of the audience, though few.
– Because they have not been out to the audience from mid-March to four months! This is a great time. We’re looking at. Discuss. Make recommendations to the Director – especially because Alexander Sozonov still may be considered a young Director. It is to disagree with us, challenge the comments to stick to their guns – he is the author of the play. And the premiere will show at the end of October.
the Audience sit in the hall with large intervals. But someone sitting next to you. The space of the play is resolved very outside the box: three stage podium distributed around the room. Left – the living room of the mansion of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana. Center – room Sofia Andreevna with the sewing machine – a symbol of her marital status of a faithful wife and mother. Right – the territory Chertkova demon, devil, commentator, compere of this infernal drama show. But the seats located directly between these locations, allowing the artists to engage with the audience in contact, not worrying too much about social distance.
– As Tolstoy was in the “school of the modern play” still the same story. Once the literary Manager Catherine Krutovoy there was a call on mobile: “I’m Alexander Sozonov, was a member of the laboratory of “young Directors”. Remember me?” – “I remember”. Then, directing application Sazonova (he was a disciple Serebrennikov) was really strong, sharp. Ask: “And now what do you want us to deliver?” and heard an unexpected response: “what do you need?”, that is your every whim. “We need good material for the national actress Irina Alferova” – “Call back”. And after 15 minutes the young Director said that in his portfolio there is a piece for Irina Alferova. “It will be an absolute success,” he declared cheekily. Sent play, came to talk. Cocky, confident – in short, surprised. After meeting with Raihelgauz on PR��was turn to wonder Sazonovo: meeting with the artistic Director also lasted 15 minutes and ended Raihelgauz he said, “get to work”. I now this story is all the young Directors tell as an example. Purely positive.
And here is the performance of “fat no” on the stage. You can’t tear your eyes from the animation which is broadcast on the walls of the mansion. This is no ordinary video projection used in scenography, which, perhaps, has become commonplace. Here is an expressive artistic technique that makes sense in the interior – the old mansion of the XIX century, which houses the “School of modern play”.
Artists – Valeria Lanskaya, Ivan Mamonov, Nikolay Golubev, Olga Gurudeva, Boris Vainzikher, Alexander Sepius, Pavel Drozdov – while playing in costumes. Fully sets and costumes will only be ready for Prime time. Because of the epidemic, many of the production work had to be stopped – closed workshops. However, even in his own dress the performer of the title role of Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya – Irina Alferova – looks very impressive. Grandeur coexists with innocence, the manifestation of strong will replaced by hysterical paroxysm, patient loyalty to the genius soldered with a deadly grudge against him – this is the image created by the artist.
– I wanted to make the performance not only of Sofya Andreyevna Tolstoy, but also about this amazing building, which houses the theatre, say after the screening the Director Sozonov, the hero of the play. He lives his life. At the beginning, comes to life, as if emerges from the darkness. Grows fine patterns. Then it covers the flame. And in the final, it poured the rain.