on 9 July, the plenary Supreme court of Russia adopted a resolution “On judicial practice in cases about the illegal crossing of the State border of the Russian Federation and crimes related to illegal migration.” One of the points of the high authority recalled that the action, though formally containing signs of any act provided for by criminal law, but by virtue of insignificance not representing public danger, is not a crime. This provision should be considered in cases of fictitious registration.
“When deciding whether the act is a minor, the courts must consider, in particular, motive and purpose that guided the accused (the defendant), his relationship with face, which was violated provisions of immigration laws (for example, when the fictitious registration of a close relative at the place of stay or residence in a residential area in the Russian Federation)”, – is told in the accepted document.
As explained by the relatives and residence of family members may need to resolve some everyday questions. For example, a child may register in Moscow to arrange in the Metropolitan special school. But the owners of the so-called “rubber apartments,” where mass prescribed migrants living somewhere, of course, face criminal liability.