Vladimir Mayakovsky born July 19, 1893. His poems still inspire, provoke and leave no one indifferent. In honor of 127 years since the birth of poet the capital’s Committee for tourism and the project #Mosqueteros talk about places in the capital that are associated with the name of the Creator of the XX century.

the Monument at Triumphalnaya square is far not the largest monument of the capital, but he invariably attracts the eye of passers-by. The author of the sculpture if caught, the main, most characteristic of the poet and his work, so looking at the figure, there is no doubt that it Mayakovsky. He is half-turned, looking steadily in front of him, and I think that’s thunder over the area’s famous poetic lines.

the Monument is the sculptor Alexander Kibalnikov and architect Dmitry Chechulin was inaugurated in the capital on 28 July 1958. Now triumphant, this area at that time bore the name of the poet Mayakovsky. After the official ceremony at the monument for the first time have been reading poetry, which ushered in the tradition of Mayakovsky readings. Subsequently, “the Lighthouse” performed by many famous writers and emerging talents.

the Station is Mayakovskaya on the Zamoskvoretskaya line opened on 11 September 1938 in the second stage of the Moscow metro. The initial draft prepared by the architect Samuel Kravets in the first half of the 1930-ies, due to difficult geological conditions have signicantly changed. On the final project was done by Alexey Dushkin. In the end, Mayakovskaya was the first station deep Foundation hall which rests on steel columns. She immediately attracted the attention of the public: in 1939, the project received the Grand Prix at the world exhibition in new York.

the Architecture of the station is very recognizable: delicate arch and oval niches, in which are placed lamps and mosaic panels based on sketches by the artist Alexander Deineka. All these elements create a feeling of solidity and lightness at the same time, thereby echoing the poetry of Mayakovsky — a powerful and at the same time, the air. The station has a bust of the poet, created by sculptor Alexander Kibalnikova, the author of the monument on the triumphal square.

Vladimir Mayakovsky collaborated with many periodicals, but his path to the newspaper “Izvestia” was not easy. The fact that the chief editor Yuri Steklov verses of the poet were not to your liking, and print them he didn’t want. For the first time a work of Mayakovsky — the poem “Prozasedavshiesya” — appeared in the newspaper almost illegal: it happened at the time of departure Steklov March 5, 1922. In the editorial there was a small scandal, but poetry was noticed and praised Vladimir Lenin. After that Mayakovsky was printed in the “news�� regularly and even got a drafting certificate. Just in the newspaper appeared about 50 publications of the poet — poems, essays, advertising texts. Sometimes the poet came to the editorial office just to speak to journalists.

the Building of “Izvestia” was built on Pushkin square, which was then called Holy, in the years 1925-1927 with the participation of renowned engineer Arthur Lalata. Building in style of constructivism — a bright spot on the architectural map of the Central part of the city.

In the house 15/13 in Gendrikov lane (now Mayakovsky lane), the poet lived from 1926 to 1930. This also drove Osip and Lilya Brik. Apartment No. 5 immediately became an important centre of cultural and literary life of Moscow. Here you can meet Boris Pasternak, Sergei Eisenstein, Vsevolod Meyerhold. House Mayakovsky visited Diego Rivera, Theodore Dreiser, and many other prominent people of that time. It became the headquarters of the creative Association “LEF” — “Left front of arts”, the leader of which was Mayakovsky.

After the poet’s death this house was opened a memorial Museum, and Gendrikov lane was renamed Mayakovsky lane. The house-Museum has existed for several decades and has enjoyed great popularity among the citizens. In 1974 the Museum was moved to the travel Serov (now — Lubyanka passage).

the Building in the Kalashny lane was called the first Soviet skyscraper. This house is an important architectural monument of constructivism of the early twentieth century. It was built by Nikolai Strukov in a very short time, which resulted in an error and the collapse of one of the walls. In the years 1923-1925, the building was completed, there were additional floors. Here placed their offices and warehouses Mosselprom.

For building design in the corporate style Mossel turned to the creative Association “LEF”, whose participants were poets and artists-avant-gardists. Had worked on the design, Alexander Rodchenko, and promotional content was created by Vladimir Mayakovsky. Peru of the poet belongs the catchy slogan “Nowhere but in Mosselprom!”, he composed for Mosselprom and many other advertising korotkoactute.

Communal apartment # 12 in house 3 in Lubyanskiy passage (to 1994, proezd Serova) became the first private space Mayakovsky in Moscow — before the poet lived for several years in hotels of Moscow and St. Petersburg (Petrograd). Here he worked on many of his works, including on the project “Window satire GROWTH”.

Since 1974, in a building on Lubyanka is the State Museum of V. V. Mayakovsky. He keeps a large collection of personal documents of the poet, photographs, books, artwork Mayakovsky and his contemporaries. Currently the main building of the Museum is on overhaul. His planirout open to the 130th anniversary of the poet’s birth, in 2023.

the House on the corner of Bolshaya Nikitskaya street and the Small Kislovsky lane has a long theatrical history. In the early nineteenth century it was rented by the theatre office of the Directorate of the Moscow branch, and then there was the theatre founded by the German Georg Paradise (the Paradise theatre, the German theatre). In the beginning of the last century the theatre became International, then — in the Theatre of revolution, Moscow drama theater, and in 1954 he received the name of Vladimir Mayakovsky.

the red-brick Building in pseudo-Russian style, which the theater is today, was designed in the late 1880-ies by the architect Konstantin Tersky, with the participation of young Fyodor Shechtel. At different times Directors of the theatre on Bolshaya Nikitskaya was Vsevolod Meyerhold, Nikolai Okhlopkov, Andrei Goncharov. In the modern repertoire of the Theater named after Mayakovsky’s productions of classical works and the works of contemporary playwrights.