Online cinema Okko exclusive show series sarika Andreasian “Nagiyev quarantined” on the life of showman and actor Dmitry Nagiyev during a pandemic coronavirus. About it reported in a press release received by the editors”.ru”.
the Show focuses on how Nagiev moves — isolation- ten years, the artist worked almost around the clock, but the pandemic is all his work and plans were canceled. Nagiyev — the only actor, who Adreasen uses in his series. Online cinema recommends you watch the first series on April 30.
Morning, 9:00, Okko offers to engage in “yoga for longevity”, which is suitable in particular for older people. At 12:00 — the premiere of the series with Nagiyev.
by Day, 14:00 is a culinary lecture “Cooking at home with the Novikov School” with a recipe of quiche with perch and dill. Later, in 16:00, the viewers recommended the premiere — a family film, a sequel to the German adventure franchise “the East wind 3” which possessed riding heroine goes home to the best stallions, in Andalusia.
Evening 19:00, the broadcast of the ballet “Giselle” staged by the Mariinsky theatre. “Giselle” is called the most romantic and the most mystical statement in the history of classical ballet. It’s a beautiful girl dying of a broken heart and becoming a Ghost, saves her beloved from certain death. Starring Diana Vishneva, Mathieu Ganyo, Igor Kolb, Ekaterina Ivannikova.
21:00 online cinema offers to the view the whole cycle of online tours of the Tretyakov gallery, Sergei Shnurov, and 22:00 — a witty historical drama based on the novel of Jane Austen’s “Emma.”
Okko provides its subscribers a new type of content delivery: shaped like the classic TV program transmission, but it is personalized and tailored to the wishes and needs of each user, and is also available every day. Read more about main events and premieres online cinema next week read our collection.