The Russians support physicians who are struggling with pandemic coronavirus

No time to argue

I have always been uncomfortable, when I scolded the doctors. That’s when hard-hitting talking about mistakes in our medicine – then Yes, I agree, to criticize something. If the topic of the day, at least for what is “useless” posokraschali throughout the country infectious bed , as, indeed, and other know-how “optimization”. Here to argue and try to correct can and should be.

But when he heard that, well, doctors, we do not want and can not work, and patients nothing to them, always evil took and wanted to argue: who do you go to when you’re in hell? And since you are still alive and healthy, so, after all you treated and cured?

Now, however, is not the time to argue and to prove something. Now is the time when it is time to understand that you need to stop treating doctors consumer.

Photo: Valery sharifulin/TASS Murashko: Medicines and remedies, will be as long as necessary

Today, they need the support of no less than those whom they treat. They are now hastily pouzival from leave. Those who are far from the specialty of infectious diseases, hastily instructed and trained how to act in the face of the epidemic. But no experience, and people are nervous. Read professional forums with doctors across the country eagerly catch all the news and tips to soak up all of the first has just appeared experience of Moscow doctors hospital in Kommunarka, who took the first blow.

And it is good that there are people who understand how hard it is now to all physicians regardless of whether they are in the infectious diseases Department at the forefront or the rear cover on the site, soothing grandmothers.

Oxygen support

When we Board the plane, we always remind, how to act in case of threat. If, God forbid, the Board will depressurize, oxygen mask in spite of all the maternal instinct to first put on and then sitting next to the child. It is very important to “oxygen” I have received our doctors.

Sitting in the deserted due to the isolation of the capital’s cafe-bar “Batch” and watch as the chefs and waiters in masks pack lunch in disposable boxes. The kitchen is open, it is adjacent to the hall, where now there is visitors, and can see very well how the guys are trying. It smells delicious. The portions are large. Salad. Soup. Burgers. All disposable containers. Now they’re packing – and lunch go straight to Kommunarka. Daily 30-40 doctors will be able to eat in the workplace in the restaurant.

When the food is not just food

“Yes, we decided to support physicians most affordable way for us – their food,” – said “RG” the bar owner Maxim Dorofeev. He had just arrived to work on the bike – it’s more convenient and faster to travel through the Moscow traffic jams.

“the Initiative was not mine – my friend. He is a surgeon, and knows how hard it is to doctors for daily duty, even in normal conditions. But now the situation is, to put it mildly, unusual, – said Dorofeyev. But for me and my cooks what we do is very important. First, we really help doctors. But, secondly, this work gives me the opportunity to hold and fire people”.

Hot meals for colleagues invented and organized by the chief surgeon of the Center surgery GMS Badma of Bashankaev. He paid for the food the first couple of weeks (and restaurateurs made it virtually at cost – a full meal for 300-400 rubles). Then pulled up, and other benefactors.

Photo: Egor of Provornikov In Moscow has restricted the movement of citizens for coronavirus

“What is a duty and an emergency situation? This is including when neither sit down nor to eat in a hurry. One of my colleagues takes with him food from home, and someone to collect did not have time, – said Bashankaev. – Doctors are not office workers who can lunch out in a cafe and have a guaranteed time for a meal. We do not have. For example, you come early in the morning, worked all day, then went on duty and all night plow as an emergency surgeon: take patients surgery. To eat is a perennial problem.”

But the food is not only food. Today it is still possible to make doctors a little gift, saying “thank you.”

“We know how hard it is to physicians what they have today is crazy and the physical and psychological stress, – said “RG” the founder of “Cancer is curable” Olga Batson. – When I created this movement to help cancer patients, I understood that to give correct and objective information, counseling people is possible only with the help of professionals. Therefore, in the group of many physicians. Caring, competent. And now the decision to help those who stood in round-the-clock watch, to come by itself”. Olga turned to the group call, and now together with like-minded buys and sends doctors cookies, pies – what can a quick snack of hot tea and get a few moments of respite. On the boxes, the volunteers write “yummy token” , receives packets at the entrance to the clinic, and then receive grateful messages from doctors. “We have agreed with the Institute. Sklifosovsky with the 2nd infectious hospital on the Falcon mount. Now just one doctor from the group is end of watch, he came, took the box, take and then just go to relax,” says Olga Batson.

the russians support physicians who are struggling with pandemic coronavirus 3the Physician Commanarki Denis Protsenko said that inside the hospital volunteers-nameditem remain dangerous. Photo: Alexander Korolkowii next

In St. Petersburg the coordinators of similar actions become our colleagues – journalists. “We are motivated primarily by a sense of self-preservation. Doctors generally the main profession on Earth. But today, the word “home” should be multiplied by 10 or 100, -said “RG” head of the conference Department of the Internet portal MarketMedia Elena Alikova. We write about retail, we have many contacts with manufacturers of food retail chains. When I come up with action #of Podderzhivaju, addressed to the partners. Then offered assistance to the health facilities”.

Photo: AP Photo/Michael Conroy it is Proven that a strong immune system is able to withstand the coronavirus

First on the list was St. George’s, it is now redeveloped under the infectious. “We found that it was necessary, had agreed to cooperate. Then was added another and a Hospital for war veterans. The first of the manufacturers at our request responded to three companies. Now in the list of 15 companies, and we sent to the hospital not only cakes and biscuits, but also fruit, and milk shakes, yogurts. An opportunity – sent medical masks and clothing. I think it will be useful,” says Elena Alikova.

In the hospital will be happy and hot food, of course, properly Packed. “We promised to organize hot meals, despite the fact that in the coming week the cafe is not working. People need not only calories and vitamins, but, more importantly, energy. So using the coffee will not also be unnecessary,” she notes.

No plans to stop the shipment of Lunches and Maxim DorofeeV. Cafes in which we talked already closed. But there is a point in a separate building, where the kitchen can continue to work on the removal of all “non-working week.”


When the country raised a debate: whether to let relatives of the seriously ill in intensive care, voices against, that it will interfere with the doctors. In the end, reason and logic prevailed, intensive care unit opened. Now I really do not want health leaders (and the discipline we have in this system is akin to the military) perceived volunteering as something disturbing.

the Movement to help spreading. That willing to drive for free employees of infectious hospitals, announced a “Citymobil” and “Yandex.Taxi” in Moscow and Kazan. There is another project – “Help is here” – has declared “Yandex”. We are talking about free transportation of physicians, but more about the delivery of food, medicine and tests for coronavirus.

“It is very correct and positive. Now doctors, nurses in the infectious diseases departments work under special conditions, many virtually isolated, – told “RG” the head of the NGO “Doctors of St. Petersburg” Dmitry Chentsov. – Increasing the load on other medical facilities, the same Ambulance, So help is needed”.

In Spain and Italy, where flashed before us, there was a tradition: all locked up in quarantine the country comes at the appointed hour on the balcony and applauded the doctors. Everyone understands that they are today at the forefront, treat, rescue, risk to become infected, get sick, die.

they are doctors, nurses – today, at the forefront, treat and save the heavy patients themselves at risk to get infected, get sick, die,

And in Wuhan, the whole city was out on the streets to escort the doctors, who came in locked the city to save people. Now, when China has almost coped with the infection, doctors are returning to their hometowns, to their hospitals to continue to treat and save in the normal, everyday mode. Residents of Wuhan knelt in front of a passing convoy of buses, driving away doctors. These videos from Europes and China – it is impossible to watch without a lump in my throat.

the Epidemic will pass. As we go through the coming difficult time, what will emerge from this test – you need to think now.


In pursuance of the decree of the President about the week the government approved a list of commodities that are not related to food. It includes baby products, Soaps and detergents, hygiene products and toiletries, personal protective equipment, medical products and disinfectants, gasoline, diesel fuel and gas, auto parts, gardening tools, building materials and tools, publications, matches, candles, funeral supplies, glasses and lenses, tobacco products, other commodities. On the organization providing the population with these products, the decree of the head of state does not apply. The government also established that catering services this week can only occur within the service for take out or delivery orders.

Prepared by Vladimir Kuzmin