the Russian tourists has opened the ways to avoid obesity in holiday. Its recommendations with the Agency urban news “Moscow” said Professor of the Department of medico-social examination, emergency and outpatient therapy Sechenov Moscow state medical University, gastroenterologist Alex buyeverov.

in order not to overeat on the road, the doctor advised the Russians “is not for the company,” with their companions, if they are not hungry, and to snack to use “fruit or vegetable instead of cookies or chocolates”.

In a long-distance train is better not to take perishable and dairy products, as they can they can cause problems with digestion or intestinal disorder, the doctor noted.

he Also urged not to buy food from street vendors during stops of the train.

“If you want to eat in the dining car — please. If you think to buy something on the way, you should be careful. As trading is often illegal to run on anything. This is especially true in cakes with perishable fillings, it is not clear where to make drinks,” said buyeverov, advising “be restricted to buy fruit and wash them carefully”.

in addition, the gastroenterologist recommended that travelers to abandon sweet drinks, especially on the road, when the person moves a little.

“Sugar, with a lack of physical activity quickly turns into fat. The train activity is reduced. If sugar, especially in liquid, highly absorbable form to use, this can lead to the accumulation of excess weight,” explained the doctor, proposing to replace sweet sodas to plain water or tea without sugar.

Earlier, the nutritionist called six simple habits that will allow you to get the body of dreams and permanently preserve the desired weight. The main one expert outlined the rejection of “jamming” sadness and bad moods.