the Reason for this decision was the consideration of the appeal of a former employee of one company. The woman appealed to the Supreme court with the complaint that she was fired from her job, as she is my birthday I had to leave early, in advance notifying the user. According to her, at the enterprise there was such a practice.

However, after checking with the woman terminated the employment contract for a single gross violation of employment duties as a tradition to leave work on the day of birth was not enshrined in the internal regulations. The plaintiff appealed against this order in court. At first her claim about restoration on work partially upheld. However, after some time the appellate court decision is reversed and recognized lawful dismissal.

According to the resolution, tradition is not enshrined in the internal regulations. The court did not give this fact a legal assessment and simply reversed the district court’s decision. In the end, the lawsuit reached the Supreme court. Russia’s Supreme court overturned the decision on appeal in favor of the employer. The first meeting under the new appeal hearing is scheduled for August 20.