the Historian N. D. Chechulin noted that during the reign of Catherine II “together with the luxury of increased to a terrible size card game; the development of its capitals has mentioned before; in the province of the same it was much less known and was a membership only society more affluent and educated people; but since the late 80-ies, the nobles almost just do that sit at the card, both men and women, old and young, sit down to play in the morning, in the winter still by candlelight, and play until the night getting up only to eat and drink… the company was prepared to beat someone for sure; to keep yourself card game is not at all considered reprehensible”2.
the Chronicler M. I. Pylyaev based on memories and private archives, made a detailed essay about the games, famous gamblers and gamblers XVIII-XIX centuries It was mentioned about the Moscow “gambling Academy”. In the description of the cheating communities Pylaev used words such as “Professor motley of card magic”, “Academy games”3. So ironic, the “academic” titles was in Vogue to refer to inveterate players-gamblers – long before the novel, Hermann Hesse’s “glass bead Game” with its “masters of the game.”
Gambling card games were banned, and even more emphasis on fraud in the game. This is directly followed as of several decrees of Catherine II, and from the “Charter of the deanery” (1782). However, higher orders of little one stopped: “In practice, gambling is not entailed punishment, if it was not accompanied by any unlawful action and was only entertainment, not challenge the family or circle of friends”4. In addition, too thin was the line between the permitted game “for fun” and unlawful – on the money or property (when rates gradually reached a bewildering size).
In the spring Nikolin day, may 9, 1795, during the traditional celebrations of Muscovites in Sokolniki, fought Lieutenant Athanasius Volgin and collegiate assessor Pavel Ivliev. At trial it became clear that both had been cheating the Academy. They now divided the booty, one seemingly cheated the other, here Ievlev and broke Vagina. Which began the investigation found many other such as these “academics”.
Moscow resident, the famous historian and archaeographer N. N. Bantysh-Kamensky, on 23 may 1795 he wrote to Prince A. B. Kurakin in his estate in Saratov: “we Have a strong card is about academics too much. Daily bring them to Izmailov. The action of these things in my eyes; for the Governor lives near me. There are ladies… Basta!” Named then Governor M. M. Izmailov Moscow commander – in-chief and the Governor. 14 Jun Bantysh-Kamensky reported Kurakin: “Academics card, seeing himself strong for the supervision, many of the villages fled,”5, then eatss left for their estates. Some, however, were punished. In charge of the case Izmaylov has informed the Empress about the investigation. 4 June, she sent him a note:
“Mikhailo Mikhailovich.
seeing from your submission of card players, of which you are on business Volgina and Shmilovich questioned who they are and whose those houses where there were gatherings for card games, I wish that you gave me about them, not excluding any, imennoi list”6.
as long as the investigation was still going and the Moscow society only about and gossiped, the Empress had to deal with another scandalous incident in Moscow, which is also referred to maps. 7 Jul Catherine wrote Izmailov Moscow commander-in-chief that the wife of a retired guard Lieutenant Peter Mikhnevo filed her petition, complaining of her husband’s who lost the card up to 60 thousand rubles of a “connected company” (i.e. a gang of gamblers). Catherine offered Izmailov to investigate the matter and then notify her, “from whom is the connected company”7. As you can see, that summer the Empress haunted scandals with gamblers-the gamblers.
the Opinion that cheating in Russia became a professional activity only in the early nineteenth century.8, should be adjusted: before, in the late eighteenth century, and then appeared like this “Academy” and the “company.”
a Final decision on the punishment “academics” Catherine adopted August 7, 1795: “who is in Moscow collegiate assessors Paul Ievleva and Dmitry Malimonova, seconds major Roštejn, Lieutenant Athanasius Vagina and Secretary Popova Luka, who, as the investigation proved, despite the legal strictness, with what is banned in our Empire all sorts of ruinous gambling games, not only continued those games, but when you add used all means of tricks and deception for the inclusion of other harmful in your network, command, as people provodami idle and dissolute life, and absolutely harmful to society, to remove from the capital of our UPRAVA them to live in the County-level city “of Vologda and Vyatka provinces” so the mayor of those cities had for the behavior of their observation, while making their names in public statements, that everyone from the deception they were careful”. The Empress then asked Izmailov confirm “all the koi in presents you list are named in order they are from the exercises in the ruinous games fully abstained in fear of our wrath and the inevitable punishment by the laws.” Selected at Volgina securities on 159 thousand rubles, and various jewels, “like the acquisition, of the unjust way sysknoe and what does not belong to him”, was ordered to give to charity9.
the Punishment of Catherine II determined to personally, without a properly organized court – motherly, so to speak. Russian samoderity and later, until the mid-nineteenth century, had personally ordered the expulsion and supervision, if the actions or thoughts of any of the nobles saw something reprehensible. Punishment was selective and very dependent on the mindset of the monarch at one time or another.
the Echoes of noisy Moscow business came to Tula estates, where lived the writer and scientist A. T. Bolotov. In February and March 1796, he brought in his diary the rumor that “play is still, and not so much in Moscow as in the heart of St. Petersburg.” Then corrected: no, in Moscow with the “greatest severity”; finally, he mentioned about how it turned out, the rumor, “that may be manifest, and all referred players will be forgiven if”10.
Two of the five punished “academics” came to Vyatka. Their leader, seconds major Leonty Roštejn landed in Douala, and a fighter, collegiate assessor Pavel Ivliev – to Kotelnich. A significant portion of the securities identified archival Affairs is a brief, standard reports nolinskogo and’nichskiy, the mayor in the name of the Vyatka Governor S. N. Zinoviev, sent at the beginning of each month, saying that in the intervening period pidnahlyadnyy behaved decently.
the Exiled Roštejn, at least a couple of times off to Vyatka to see a doctor. The Governor received his petition, and the Roštejn was allowed to visit “the doctor of Pfeller” in the Central city of the region11. Vyatka medical Board was created as a time – in June 1797, Pfaller (which was signed: “the Obstetrician Philip Pfaller”) was the main12.
In November 1796 Catherine II died and the throne Paul I. the New Emperor, yielding to the requests of the wife of Roštejn, made it possible for him to return from exile. Except that in both capitals to italstat guilty was strictly forbidden. It happened not once, but only in the summer of 179813
the Vyatka Governor regularly received from Kotelnich reports about decorous behavior of another exiled “academician” – Ievleva. However, until the Governor began to hear, “what the appointed Ievlev at the depravity of his drunkenness he walks through the city one repairs different of indecent and threats to the living citizens, leaving the village with a gun, and produces an ungentlemanly act…”14.
Kotel mayor was forced to explain. Yes, it was Ievlev all day stuck in a tavern and even together with their serfs beaten there the publican (Manager), a drunk wandered around the city, lifting residents, and toured the surrounding villages, and the oversight of his soldiers could not or would not prevent the atrocities. And one more trouble: the Ievlev often wrote some papers and sent them in the mail. Then the mayor announced in kotelnichskiy postal expedition “on neponimanie from him nikakvih without CBE��sent my comberton, that he for his depravity could not commit a brazen act and write must not call contentious and some paper, and through that not only me, but the main started[b]-government did not cause what or criticism”.
If you believe the explanation of the mayor, mail carrier accepted from Ievleva another batch of letters came with them went straight to the mayor! One letter was addressed to the Governor, the other provincial Prosecutor. “Upon receipt, in order to avoid as your Excellency, as well, and Mr. the provincial Prosecutor of those send them the paperwork burden, of these should go so far as to print and to know their content, do therein what any attention to the reference where I was supposed to, and finding in the add tol[s]to fix the lies and slander to the justice neuropathology, but below (i.e. “not”. – Auth.) is similar, so [they] could write to be with [s]drawin sense or reason except lost in its depravity and drunkenness of any feeling, and therefore wouldn’t I need the giving thereof, thou not sensible, trouble started[b]-stvo”15.
Flown to the district capital town dude… And yet – the mayor, the postmaster, opened other people’s letters… Well, Yes, “the Inspector General”! However, Gogol was also a Comedy “Players”. But hints of the mayor, if pidnahlyadnyy can write their extravagant letters to high-ranking personages, only being out of his mind, is not even Gogolevskiy and Chaadaeva some.
Documents Vyatka archive draw expressive pictures of County life: boring everyday life, the misery of local residents, difficulty in obtaining skilled medical care. On such background faded antics pugnacious collegiate assessor (rank of class VIII “table of ranks” equivalent to Maori) downright shone.
it is believed that Paul I began his reign, was to release from prison and exile of those who were punished by Catherine II, but on the card “academics” and other scams of his mercy did not extend. However, sickly and meek the Roštejn back allowed, and wild Ievlev remained in Vyatka link.
1. CHACO. F. 582. Op. 2 z. D. 396. Thank you for your help to identify these documents personnel file of M. V. Melanin and Deputy Director of the archive of E. I. Pacino.
2. Chechulin N. Russian provincial society in the second half of the XVIII century. SPb., 1889. Pp. 90-91.
3. Pylyaev M. I. Old habitation. SPb., 1897. C. 24-25, 42, 46, 48.
4. V. Shevtsov Card game in Russia (end of XVI – beginning of XX century): the History of the game and the history of the society. Tomsk, 2005. P. 56.
5. Russian archive. 1876. 12. P. 409, 410.
6. Russian archive. 1872. N 5. Stlb. 869.
7. Ibid. Stlb. 870-871.
8. Shevtsov V. V. Decree. CIT. p. 58-59.
9. Ru��sky archive. 1872. N 5. Stlb. 872-873.
10. Bolotov A. T. Monument pratiksha times, or Brief historical notes on the former proisshestviya and worn in people’s rumors. M., 1875. Part 1. P. 30, 72, 95.
11. CHACO. F. 582. Op. 2 z. D. 396. L. 2, 11-12, 30, 35, 36.
12. CHACO. F. 583. Op. 17. D. 1020. L. 1.
13. CHACO. F. 582. Op. 2 z. D. 396. L. 37-37 about.
14. Ibid. About L. 45.
15. Ibid. L. 40-41 about.