Less known is that Chukovsky loved writers antirebate. So, in 1919 on the eve of the 100th anniversary of N. A. Nekrasov, he began to address the well-known poets and writers questions about Nekrasov. The questions were simple: “do you Like poems of Nekrasov?”; “What the poetry of Nekrasov you think is the best?”; “Did Nekrasov’s influence on your music?” etc., He replied Alexander Blok, Nikolai Gumilev, Anna Akhmatova, Maxim Gorky, Yevgeny Zamyatin, and many others. It was interesting how the same questions are answered by various celebrities.

And in 1910 he dared to antirebate of Leo Tolstoy, sending him the question about his attitude to the death penalty. Leo Tolstoy said during his departure from Optina, a few days before death Astapov. And that was the last text of Tolstoy, except for letters to relatives.

of course, I thought not keep to dress up in the mantle of the great Korney Ivanovich, but I found it interesting to send modern writers, quarantined, your profile.

that’s what they said. The answers will appear on the website on Saturdays and Sundays.

Be healthy!

Your Pavel Basinsky

Where you now spend time (if not secret)?

– I am disciplined to sit at home. In four walls. Don’t want to get COVID, too high a price issue.

what are you working On? What are you reading?

– the Epidemic and isolation have created in my head a couple of flash stories. I always thought that “to write on the topic of the day” vulgar and nothing big will come of it. But now the situation, when the rock stepped up and looked into the face of every person. So the literature will have to investigate. While I would like ideas of stories, but do not know what will develop.

does your creativity a necessary isolation? The most productive creative time of Alexander Pushkin, the famous “Boldino autumn” of 1830, came on “the cholera quarantine.”

– Yes, but Pushkin did not sit bezvylazno in the rooms. And its not flooded with negativity online. Productivity is down, you’ve got to be honest. But I introduced a rule: the writer all the way and everything helps. The experience of these months will become a book. And all – including the account moves from one piece of furniture to the other and evening the mirages because of the heat will all go into prose.

How do you feel about black humor, which I read on the Internet: “Sitting at home. The street people”? Don’t you think that we now live in a time of new meanings and new stylistics in the broadest sense of the word.

– it Seems that now the man is an alien. On social distance complex messages will not give, heart-to-heart talk. Because of the inability to understand each other we will start each other if��to wash. Human consciousness will become less rational and more mythological. People need someone who will from the TV to charge the water. Ahead of time not drugs, but a placebo. And will not the placebo that strange power that gives us the capacity of our brains?

Can you think of any examples from Russian and world classics, where they were described about the current situation? “The feast during the plague” is not called.

– Giovanni Boccaccio “the Decameron”. José Saramago, “Blindness.” Stephen King “Confrontation”.

Writer in Russia must be a prophet. What do you think, when will this end and what awaits us after this?

– I Think by the August will fall off the first wave and second wave, not so deadly, will begin in October and end in December. Will more “ruffle”, local outbreaks within two to three years. After quarantine we are waiting for the destruction of illusions. One of these illusions – the whole world has been studied and is available. In fact, the tourist moves from point a to point B, points, these, in my estimation, about a hundred of Prague, Paris, new York etc. And under the wing of the airplane – white spots, a huge white cloth of our personal geography. If suddenly will not be able to fly, start these spaces carefully to master. And our ball, which seemed small, suddenly becomes bigger.