Less known is that Chukovsky loved writers “to antirobot”. So, in 1919 on the eve of the 100th anniversary of N. A. Nekrasov, he began to address the well-known poets and writers questions about Nekrasov. The questions were simple: “do you Like poems of Nekrasov?”; “What the poetry of Nekrasov you think is the best?”; “Did Nekrasov’s influence on your music?” etc., He replied Alexander Blok, Nikolai Gumilev, Anna Akhmatova, Maxim Gorky, Yevgeny Zamyatin, and many others. It was interesting how the same questions are answered by various celebrities.

And in 1910 he dared “to antirobot” of Leo Tolstoy, sending him the question about his attitude to the death penalty. Leo Tolstoy said during his “care” of Optina, a few days before death Astapov. And that was the last text of Tolstoy, except for letters to relatives.

of course, I thought not keep to dress up in the mantle of the great Korney Ivanovich, but I found it interesting to send modern writers, are “quarantined”, your profile.

that’s what they said. The answers will appear on the website on Saturdays and Sundays.


Your Pavel Basinsky

Where you now spend time (if not secret)?

– it Is not a secret. For the past two months bezvylazno sit in a Moscow apartment: March – according to its own decision and the dictates of the heart, April – by the decision of the city authorities.

what are you working On? What are you reading?

– Working on a new story. I really hope that it will turn out, though promise that it would be ill-advised. To talk about the topic not undertake, but the time and place of the action will set the early Soviet years, their homes. Work gives meaning to this strange and quite disturbing segment of life. And read just a little: the texts of others greatly affect the generated text.

does your creativity a necessary isolation? The most productive creative time of A. S. Pushkin “Boldino autumn” of 1830, came on “the cholera quarantine.”

– Voluntary-isolation – part writing the life of any person. Are in it, even with pleasure: canceled many trips, including and not very necessary; and all noncancelable have migrated online and save a lot of time. By and large, in my life, little has changed. But in the lives of my loved ones very much.

How do you feel about black humor, which I read on the Internet: “Sitting at home. The street people”? That is, people is the danger, like wild animals. Don’t you think that we now live in a time of a new ethics and a new kind of style in the broadest sense of the word?

– Calm attitude. Humor allows you to step back from the object, look down on him and using it to conquer fear. This fear of uncertainty about the future – private, withTrani, all humanity – takes today is very different from unprecedented rampant aggression in social networks to COVID-dissidence. It seems that humor – even black – so far the only cure against fear.

Can you think of any examples from Russian and world classics, where they were described about the current situation? (“The feast during the plague” not to call!)

– a very recent example just recently published a literary script by Ludmila Ulitskaya “the Plague”, about the events of 1939, when Moscow came pneumonic plague. The text is in electronic format and as audiobooks. And let me give you an example from cinema: the film of Ingmar Bergman’s “the Seventh seal” occurs in the 16th century, when in Europe, the plague rages.

Writer in Russia must be a prophet. What do you think: when will this end and what awaits us after this?

– Any predictions now are premature and have very little value – just because the world is still in the early stages of the pandemic. How fast will invented the vaccine and how soon science will be able to curb the pandemic depends on the severity of the consequences – economic, political, socio-psychological. If this us all a traumatic situation last year – we can talk about some consequences. But if three or four years – and there are other, more serious.

of Course, for the younger generation – for those who are now 13-15-17 years – the pandemic will be a defining and formative event in the life of my generation began the perestroika and the Yeltsin years.