Measures to stabilize the labor market continue to take. There are plans for the future, including February 2021.

Among them is the regional training programme professional training and additional vocational training for those who suffered from the spread of novel coronavirus infection, “including those at risk of unemployment, of graduates of educational institutions, jobseekers”. This is stated in the decisions and data to departments of instructions following a meeting on the situation in the labour market. It was at the end of June.

How to organize it all have any experience in other countries? Your thoughts and suggestions in an interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” said the Professor, doctor of economic Sciences, Deputy rector of the Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation Alexander Safonov.

Alexander Lvovich, at the end of the second quarter more than ten regions have unemployment of 10 percent or more. Which regions will experience a particularly acute this year problems in the labour market?

Alexander Safonov: As always the biggest problem will be in regions associated with the North Caucasus and far Eastern Federal district. They are in terms of employment – the weakest links in the chain.

There is now unemployment is high, but now it more will increase due to sagging demand. First there was the withdrawal, many did not work. Now there are problems with money. According to Rosstat, real disposable incomes in the country (money, remaining after obligatory payments adjusted for inflation) fell by 8 percent.

And if the national average unemployment in the second quarter amounted to 6 percent, in Ingushetia – five times more – more than 30 percent.

In other regions of the North Caucasus Federal district (with the exception of the Stavropol territory – there is a 6.1 percent) unemployment scored from 16 to 17.7 percent. In the far East the situation is better now, but in two regions, figures are also above the national average. In Buryatia the figure is 11 percent, in Zabaykalsky Krai 10 percent.

In other Federal districts, there are also such regions. For example, Omsk oblast, Republic of Khakassia – 10 percent, Altai Republic, and 12.3, Tyva – 19,4.

Alexander Safonov: In the regions, about which I told you the situation is not momentary, it there does not resolve, but will continue to accumulate. That’s the main severity of unemployment in them. After all, we are exactly talking about sharpness.

And to accumulate it will be mainly due to the fact that employment in a new place was difficult. Before partial unemployment in these regions was offset by moving or commuting employment on a rotational basis. Now in the new conditions has not yet ended coronavirus pandemic, it will be harder to do.

what tolallows the top unemployment rate in the Omsk region, Khakassia, Altai, Tuva? Won in the Yaroslavl region, 8.4 percent.

Alexander Safonov: In Khakassia, Tuva and Altai traditional problems – the economy. It is based on agriculture, some tourism. But that stable employment is not assured.

in General, the risk regions with underdeveloped industry. Those that don’t have internal capabilities to develop the economy. The regions that are seriously dependent on subsidies from the Federal budget. Yaroslavl oblast is a little different. Here first the result of quarantine measures.

Actually, in my opinion, it is necessary to go on creation of regional clusters, to fix every region some kind of direction associated with the overall development of the economy: pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, automotive, machine tools and so on. But it is important to understand: the more remote the area, the more complex the product should be produced there in order for the shipping costs didn’t play a great value.

If to speak about age-related unemployment who are in the risk zone – 50+?

Alexander Safonov: they are Not alone. I would like to draw attention to workers under 25 years who do not yet have experience in their professions. They are the first to fall under the reduction.

In this age category the unemployment rate will grow at the expense of newcomers in the labour market: the former students. By the fall they will actively start looking for work. Alas, it will be daunting. As people close to retirement age.

In the instructions to the agencies have and the topic. It deals with the Ministry of labor of Russia jointly with the Ministry of education and the Ministry of education. What is, in your opinion, the main problem?

Alexander Safonov: the Russian workers with limited mobility. This applies to any region and age.

They can’t move to another city, for example, where it would be possible to find a job. For them it is a huge problem! We have almost no ability to quickly sell their homes and move into another. In the United States in the troubled years there was a state Agency for the purchase of housing. People were sold just in one click. And went to a new place of residence and work. Imagine how convenient it is?

Why don’t we go this way? The state provides you, for example, a housing certificate, which you can implement in a new place. Including the dwelling Fund, which has state. That is, there is a rapid exchange. Consider it as soon as possible to configure this functionality. And plus to change the nature of the work of the employment service.

recently in the system of the employment service, many changes occurred. Increased unemployment benefits. Teach in-demand professions. “RG” recently wrote, in Remkah of the national project “Education” employment service preparing certified nurses.

Alexander Safonov: I’m not against all this – not a hindrance. We are talking about strategic changes, which also required the Russian system of employment services.

While it is more aimed at solving short-term objectives: to support malenechko money fast to retrain. That is, training is more short-term programs. They last a maximum of one month. And today, to get really serious profession, sometimes you need to prepare at least a year. Or even to re-enroll in special vocational schools.

Learning is a good thing. And where is the guarantee that it will be able to get a job?

Alexander Safonov: you Need to create a registry of queries, including state employers. What kind of jobs they plan to create and where? What competencies will they need? And under these programs are targeted to teach people who find themselves without work. It is clear that these programs should be medium-term. For a period of not less than one year.

And perhaps these programs should not be closed separately in each region?

Alexander Safonov: Yes, the system of targeted training of the unemployed cannot be parochial. This is a common cause. Interregional communication and interaction is an important condition for success.

People are different. Someone, after studying, do not want to go to another region or even your mind to work. And the state the money spent.

Alexander Safonov: That’s all you can provide in the contract. Don’t want to work make up the state costs. After deduction of amounts, which you put when registering the unemployed in the standard order.

This system will give serious effect to save budget money. We have to be honest, very often the quality of jobs that provide unemployed, low. It’s more like I said, a temporary measure. And we need to give people a chance – firmly and permanently to his feet. Maybe even for life.

Learn at least a year is serious business. And to live on that? Unemployment benefits are not designed for such period.

Alexander Safonov: All this time the unemployed person should receive a scholarship. Clearly, it should not be at the level of the minimum wage, because a year to live for him, no one can.

And tuition to pay? Who chooses where to study?

Alexander Safonov: you Can enter educational certificates with a certain value of services to enable you to obtain education and employment, based on chosen occupation. Create registry of educational establishments, book places for the unemployed. All this should calculate to discuss.

Opyt of which countries could take on Board?

Alexander Safonov: you Can create outsourcing companies. They are for the money that the government will give them, will ensure the employment of citizens. This practice exists in the Netherlands. She was in France, of Denmark.

the labor Department announces competition on employment of a certain number of unemployed. And the outsourcing companies take on this challenge. It may be employment agencies or employment offices, who have good contacts with the business, they understand how to present one or another of the unemployed, how to prepare it. And get money at the end of the contract. And the end of the contract means that the person found a job and worked at a new place at least a year.

Pull we now in this reboot. It’s the entire infrastructure necessary to re-create channels with your business.

Alexander Safonov: it’s not as scary as you think. Participation in the creation of a new system could make existing information platform, which actively interact with employers. Such as HeadHunter, Superjob, for example.

presently, many major Russian companies pass them to outsource recruitment. And why not use this channel to simplify the employment process of the employee.

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