Sea / / / The Breaks –

The police force’s west Coast, still a lot of hard working to get people to identify with the measures taken in connection with the solar corona to their day in court and the rags, and this weekend it was the price.

“Friday night we were in Newport a couple of friends got caught, they had agreed to, and a kind of lockdownfeestje were,” says the spokesperson for the police In Deburchgraeve. “Some of them have no clue, still, is always that this is folly, and that is all. Then, when we have neighbours been advised of the possibility of refusing the young people to do. They did that even have to hide it and were very rude to him. They were at the police station, a solar, and the public prosecutor’s office must decide whether or not they will be liable to a fine.” Saturday-caught the police and then the four friends and The Breakdown of the skates were. The two of them had lived in Torhout, and came up with the public transportation System. “They are bored themselves, they said. Also, they had a pv for the violation of any of the samenscholingsverbod. They think, mistakenly, that the public transport system will not be checked.”

a Positive aspect of the west Coast is that there is less tweedeverblijvers found that it to zee, though, there remains a persistent group of offenders. And at the start of the checks are about 25 percent of the cars have been returned, which is not a reason in the West, were there Sunday, and another 2 per cent.

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