The police must strike notice in

The politievakbonden come Wednesday there will be a strike notice submitted to their feelings, to express themselves about the shortage of surgical masks, as confirmed by Carlo and Media from the NSPV. Set a date for any action to be carried out is not quite there yet. Friday morning, as, meanwhile, had become well-known, there is a discussion at the office of the minister of Internal Affairs, minister De Crem.

The three-politievakbonden NSPV, VSOA, and ACV, and do not want that surgical masks are to be removed from the human resources for health. “It must be obvious” is what it sounds like.

“We have had a strike notice submitted to it because the government refuses to give the police in order to come up with the surgical masks. We are not a priority, as we learned, to our amazement,’” says Rudi This of the trade union NSPV. “All of the notion that all of the available surgical masks to care staff. But agents often come in contact with people, and can be used to prevent the spread of corona to go. Also, the agents are entitled to minimum protections, and there is not now, or in whole, is low, and it seems to be with the government in a hurry to make the material. This can’t continue”.

“For some of the jobs that police officers do today, such as border control, the uiteenhalen of gatherings, where, however, one object, or to intervene in a family situation, our people are really too little protection, according to the trade unions.

“We hope that the government in its position, re-evaluate, and admit that the police is indeed a high-priority occupation’, and what it sounds like. “We want to be and that we are properly equipped and willing to minister Decrem, on the table, to the procedures relating to the use of this equipment will have to be discussed.”

Federal and local law enforcement have, therefore, arranged to have an identical strike notice in advance.

“in the end, would be in addition to the police officers, who need to be protected, and the population as a whole, something will be better protected, since a policeman during the whole of the working day, a lot of people come across it, and in the absence of a mask, and a potential spreader of the disease, according to the trade unions.

Friday’s dialogue with the cabinet of minister De Crem

Or, ultimately, the actions will come, and when it is not yet clear. They want to be heard, and hope to come up with a solution.

The politiebonden to say in the meantime that they have every Friday morning together with representatives from the ministry of the Interior, Pieter De Crem (CD&V). “We are very concerned about the health of the police officers, who are in the first line of works,” does it sound in the private office of the minister of finance. “We are now in a consultation to look at what, in the current situation, the opportunities are”.

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