Normally had this week, five-million-FFP2-surgical masks must be supplied. However, given that the supplier, with the price suddenly opdreef, and does not comply with the rules, he is going to order to.

now, in The Hainaut, Pharmasimple was, according to the minister, Philip De Backer (Open VLD) is not an agreement. The company, the price suddenly increased. And that wasn’t the deal, ” says De Backer, who is the government to Wilmès is responsible for the surgical masks, and coronatests.

The Backer will also have the test capacity to push. Currently facilities up to 4000 tests per day. The plan is to have, in the course of the next few weeks, a 10,000 diagnostic tests per day.

Next week, there will be a rapid test on the market that are especially for hospitals, it should be possible to get the sick and the healthy, the patients from each other can be distinguished.

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